Chapter 1

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All I can see is blood and it is every where. Everytime I'll turn my head, I can see men and women bathing in a red liquid.

I walk towards the church, not minding those people that are still dying, and when I reached the door, I slowly turn the knob and went inside of it.

Inside, I see nothing except for a table in middle that was surrounded by many black candles.

No altars.

No chairs. Just the table and candles.

"There you are." a voice whisper in my back. I slowly turned around to see who it is.

There was a figure wearing a black hood. I can't really see it's face because it was covered but I know it was staring at me directly.

"It's time for you to pay the price." it said, and then it lunged at me.

"Miranda!" someone screamed.


I suddenly sat up from my bed, still sleepy. What is that noise? I'm pretty sure I was dreaming something good. Was I? Ugh, why can't I remember?

"Miranda Winters! You better be awake or I will confiscate every gadget that you have!" my mom shouted me from downstairs.

"No need, mama! I'm awake!" I shouted back. I was waiting if she's going to reply but she didn't.

I looked at my clock and it's only five in the morning. I groaned and let myself fall in the bed. Why mom always do this? Waking me so early?

I stood up from the bed, scared that I might fall asleep again. I turn on my bluetooth speaker and play "Just Add Water" by Cavetown.

I grabbed my towel and went in the bathroom. After that, I changed into my uniform and wear a light make up. I styled my hair into a messy bun because it's really comfortable then I grabbed my bag and my phone and went to my door to leave.

"Wait, I miss something." I whispered to myself. I turn around and scan my room to see if I left anything and there I saw my necklace lying in my table. I quickly grabbed and wear it.

There. I am finally complete.

I left the room and heard my mom in the kitchen.

"Morning, mama!" I greeted and kissed her on the cheek.

"Good morning, sweetie." she said while cooking some bacon.

"Where's Papa? Is he not awake?" I asked.

"Oh, you're father left early. There was some emergency meeting, I think." she said.

"Emergency meeting at five in the morning?" I asked. Well, that was weird.

"He said it was a matter of life and death. Don't worry about it, hon." she said.

I shrugged and let go of the topic. I went to the coffee maker and make my mom some coffee. In the family, I'm the only one who doesn't really drink coffee. But I love chocolate milk, though.

My mom and I ate our breakfast together, since dad left early. She told me everything about her work and that there was some guy throwing a tantrums at the hospital.

My mom was a nurse and my dad was a businessman. I'm the only child in the family and everybody can see my resemblance both from my mom and dad. I got my brown hair and pale skin from my mom while I got my blue eyes from my dad.

"So, is Trevor going to pick you up?" my mom asked.

"Yeah, he said he's gonna be here at six." I said while chewing my food.

"Honey, did I tell you not to talk while your mouth is full?" my mom told me.

I swallowed my food and said, "Sorry, mama but you asked a question and it's gonna be rude if I don't answer you."

My mom chuckled and shake her head. Ever since when I was little, mom always taught me how to have a good manners like sitting up straight, bowing to your elders and many more. To be honest, I'm not that kind of a girl. I'm respectful to others, yes, but I always have my sassy side in me.

As soon as I finish my food, I heard a honk outside. That must be Trevor.

"Mama, I have to go." I quickly put my dishes to the sink and went to my mom kiss on her cheek.

"Bye, honey. Be careful!" my mom shouted from the dining room.

"I will!" I answered.

Outside, I saw Trevor inside of his car. I went to the passenger seat. "Good morning, Mira." Trevor greeted while smiling.

"Good morning to you, too." I greeted back. I put my bag in front of me and confused on why is he not driving away.

I looked at him to ask but those green eyes are already looking at me.

"What?" I asked

"Seatbelt." he said. I rolled my eyes and put on my seatbelt. After that, he drove away.

"Why do you always forget about the seatbelt, Mira?" he said while driving.

"Maybe because I know that you're always there to remind me." I said, smiling.

"You know, we should skip school today. After all it's our last day before the vacation." he said.

"You can't influence me with your bad habits, Archer." I said.

"Damn it, why did I even try?" he said and make me laugh. He reached something to his bag while focusing on the road.

"Here." I looked at him and saw a chocolate milk in his hand.

"Thank you, Archer." I said, smiling

"No problem, Mira." he replied.

After hours of driving, we reached our school and Trevor parked his car carefully.

"Let's go." he said while unbuckling his seatbelt. I got out first and across the road I saw a guy who is wearing an all-black outfit. But, the thing that got my attention is him holding a sword. Also, he's wearing a lot of tattoos and the people walking beside him doesn't seem to care that he holds a weapon.

He looked straight at me and I was about to call Trevor but then a school bus passed and just like in a movie, he vanished.

"Hey, you okay?" Trevor asked me.

"Yeah, I just thought I saw someone." I said.

"Come on. We're gonna be late." he said, putting his arms around my shoulder as he dragged me carefully.

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