Chapter 26

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"Everything okay?" Trevor asked Elodie, who was helping the servants to kill the fire in the Tower.

"Yes, child. We've got this. Go help Charlotte. Go!" she ordered.

Trevor nodded and went outside to the field. He reached the outside just in time to witness Apate stabbed Lilith with an silver knife. "No." he whispered. He watched as Lilith screamed and some bright light appeared inside her. Trevor, as well as the others, covered their eyes until the light vanished. Some tears formed in his eyes as he saw Mira's body fall down in the ground. Trevor didn't hesitated to quickly ran towards her.

When Lilith's vessel fall down, the Dark Nephilims were wide-eyed in surprise. They just can't believe that their ace card was gone. Their Mistress is dead. Most of them took off and ran to the forest to escape the wrath of the Light Nephilims. Walter came to Parker and Steven and said, "We have them running." Both of the brothers nodded and they all run towards Charlotte, who was clutching Mira in her hands.

"Baby.. Hey, wake up.. Come back to me.." Charlotte whispered. Parker wants to say that it's no use but he feared that it will anger the Queen, so he decided to keep his mouth shut.

Apate walked from behind Charlotte and stared at her. They were all mesmerized of the beauty of Apate. She really looked liked an angel and her aura screams safety. "Charlotte." she called softly.

Charlotte looked up with tears in her cheeks. "Please, bring her back.. Bring my baby back.." she pleaded.

Apate looked at her with a sad expression. "You know that she was destined to die even from the beginning. Miranda is home now with Gabriel." she said, softly.

Charlotte shook her head and looked back at Miranda. She touched her cheeks while saying, "I made a promise.. I promised Gabriel that I will bring her back and I intend to keep it.. I can't lose my daughter again.. Please, bring Mira back to me.. I'll do anything, please."

The goddess secretly looked at everyone in the field and saw that they were silently wishing that the princess would come back. Especially, the one man whom his thoughts was the loudest compared to everyone. He was praying to her. Praying to bring her back. So, she kneeled beside the mortal queen and asked. "Is that what you really want?" Charlotte nodded which makes Apate smiled a little. She placed her hand in Mira's chest and said, "Surge, et pueri mei."

Apate slowly retracted her hand and looked at Charlotte, "Now, give her reasons to wake up." She finally stood up and walked to the middle of the field. Everybody watched Apate as she revealed her huge white wings. She looked back at them and smiled before flying above, back to her home. Her childrens are safe now.

Miranda was lying down in her room, as the doctors requested. They told Charlotte that it will be a good idea if Miranda would wake up in a familiar place. Everyone in the palace was either sleeping or gathering the dead bodies that scattered in the field as the result of the battle. Charlotte was delighted when the soldiers told her that it wasn't Mira's fault that many of their brothers died. It was Lilith's.

Charlotte was staring at her sleeping daugher, who looks so peaceful. There was some medical tubes attached to her and she can't help but to cry. "Baby." she softly called. "I know that you're in a good place and I hate to ruin it but.. you have to wake up. Don't stray for too long, okay? You know how much I love you, I will do everything for you. You and your future sibling are the only ones that left to me. Please, don't leave me. I can't bear to lose you, too. Please, wake up now." She kissed her daughter's forehead when someone knocked on the door. She stood up and opened it. It was Parker, standing outside.

Parker seemed surprise when she saw the Queen. He wasn't expecting her to be here. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. I-I thought the doctors were here." he quickly said.

Charlotte chuckled. "It's not a big deal." she said. "Are you here to see Mira?"

Parker hesitated before answering. "Yes, Your Majesty. Is it okay?"

Charlotte placed her hand in his cheeks and smiled. "Of course. Come in." Parker went inside the room and stared at Mira. He jumped a little when Charlotte touched his shoulders.

"I'll leave you two now." she said. Parker nodded as she watched Charlotte leave the room. He slowly walked towards the side of Mira's bed and sat in the chair. They were alone and he missed her so much. He reached out for her hand and hold it tightly. Letting Miranda to feel that he's with her. "Hey, princess. Can you wake up now?" he continued. "A lot of people were waiting for you. Hoping for you to come back.. like me. Come back to me, please." Parker wiped the tears that's flowing from his eyes. How gay, he thought.

He stared at her face again. He missed her blue eyes and he wanted to see it again. "I'll wait for you even if it means forever. You want to know why? Because, you are the most amazing girl I've ever met. You changed me. And, I think a part of me will always be waiting for you 'cause you're worth it."

And then he kissed her forehead. "Please, wake up. I love you, Princess Mira."

It's been a week since the battle happened. It's been a week and Mira is still not responding. Trevor was alone with her and it's the first time he visited her because he finally have the courage. A lot of people noticed the changes in his behavior. He was gloomy and tired always. So, Steven encouraged him to see Mira, hoping that he'll get better.

He stared at her pale face but still, she's the girl that he truly love. Slowly, he reached out for her hand clasped it. He gave her kisses on her fingers and whispered, "When will you wake up, sleeping beauty? I really miss you. I can't continue my life without you." Feeling his visions blur, he rested his forehead in her bed as tears falls rapidly. It was painful being here but he needs to be strong. For her. "Please, Mira you need to fight. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you forever. Maybe you're with your father but you can't sleep forever. Besides, you need to choose between me and Parker." he chuckled as tears falls from his eyes.

Trevor kissed her hand again. He never thought that the pain was too much until he saw her lying on this bed unresponsive.

"Mira, please wake up.. Please.. Please.. Open your eyes.." he whispered. "You need to wake up.. You need to wake up because I love you.. I promise that I'll never tease you again.. Wake up because everybody is waiting for their princess.. You need to wake up for your mom and your sibling.. For your friends.. For me.."

He stood up from his chair and kissed her on the cheek, long enough for her to feel that he's finally here.


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