Chapter 7

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As we were walking to the training grounds, a lot of people were eyeing me. Some of them will stop and bow down but there's some that's just stare at me. I was feeling awkward and shy at the same time but I guess it's normal. I'm a new face in here, after all.

"Sorry on their behalf, Your Highness. It's just seeing you here is like a myth that turns out to be true." Drexel said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, some people think that you're not coming back. They thought that you chose the human world instead of us." he explained.

That caught me off guard. I didn't know how to respond so I just smiled weakly. I don't know these people but why do I feel bad? I feel bad that they were thinking that I'll not consider them. It must be my princess's instincts kicking in.

I was deep in thought that I didn't realize that we were outside, on the back of the castle. The sun is setting down and it's gonna be dark soon. I was amazed at the environment here and the ambiance is so earthly that will make you feel relaxed.

"I like it here." I whispered to myself.

I looked to the side and saw Trevor standing with his hands on his back. "Who are they?" I asked, pertaining to the men that's in line.

"They are the new soldiers, Your Highness. Today is their last day of training and they'll move on to the next stage. Sir Archer is the Head of Security, Princess." Benjamin answered.

"Really?" That was unexpected.

"Yes, Your Highness. Sir Archer and the Lenox Brothers are the best in here." he said. I rolled my eyes at the mention of Parker's surname. I hate that guy's attitude, he's such a show-off.

I quietly went to Trevor's direction and looked at him. He looked very different to the Trevor that I knew. Here, he is very serious and superior. It's a complete opposite of his character when we were "normal".

The soldiers looked at me and they were ready to bow but I shush them. I wanted to suprise Trevor and it looks like they noticed it. I was behind him but I still kept my distance.

"Attention, everyone." he said with a very authoritative voice.

"Today is your last day of physical training. I want to say congratulations for coming this far. I know that the training is very hard and I'm grateful that none of you gave up." he continued.

I smiled at them and clapped lightly. I heard Drexel and Benjamin chuckled behind me but it wasn't loud enough for Trevor to hear it.

"But, this is not the end. Remember your vows, "Protect Florland and the Royals. Even in death, our path." March away!" he said. The soldiers bowed simultaneously and walked away.

"Even in death, huh?" I spoke. Trevor jumped lightly and turned around. I looked at his eyes and he was surprised to see me.

"Mira." he whispered.

"Hi, Archer." I greeted.

"You finally came out." he said with a grin.

I laughed a little. "Yeah. I'm bored already." I joked

"How long have you been standing there?" he asked.

"Not long enough. Besides, I want to surprise you." I told him. Trevor walked towards me and put his hand on my cheek.

"I'm so happy that I see you." he said in a light voice and I smiled at him. He smiled back at me and put his hand down.

Benjamin cleared his throat. "Your Highness, we'll be waiting for you at the door." he said.

I nodded at them and they walked away. Trevor and I walked towards the stone bench and sat on it.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Actually, I'm fine. I'm starting to like it here." I answered. "I'm sorry for pushing you away, Archer. There's no excuse for what I act." I continued.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Mira? You don't have to apologize because I understand you. Besides, I promised that I'll earn your forgiveness, remember?" he said while smiling.

"Well, you're forgiven." I told him and we both laughed.

"Hey, I heard that your parents is throwing a ball for you tomorrow." Trevor said.

"So I've heard. You'll be there, right?" I asked.

"Of course. I will not miss my best friend's Official Announcement." he said, proudly.

I smiled at his playful character, this is my Trevor. I leaned my head to his broad shoulder and stared at the garden of flowers in front of us.

"Last time I checked, we were just a normal highschool kids who was in their road to vacation. Now, it feels like a lifetime." I said.

"I know." he agreed.

"Is that why you taught me how to do self-defense?" I asked at him, still leaning to his shoulders.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're the Head of Security and you taught me how to fight when we were 15." I explained.

"Oh, yes. Actually, it was your dad's order to teach you how to fight and how to use guns." he confessed.

I sighed. "It's a good thing, to be honest." I said.

Trevor looked at me and said, "We can still improve your skills if you want."

I closed my eyes and thought about it. Since, I'm not doing anything except to lie down maybe it's time for me to get in shape again. I looked at him and nodded.

He smiled and looked straight ahead of us. "Do you have a date in your ball?" he asked.

"Nah. I don't want to go, you know." I said.

"Too bad because you can't do that." he said. "Let me be your date."

I leaned back and looked at him. "You want to be my date? You sure?"

"Well I'm the most handsome guy in here. So, why not?" he joked.

"Disgusting." I commented.

"I'm serious, though. Do you want me as your date?" he asked.

I stared at him and smiled. "Of course."

He smiled once again and we talked for hours. It was getting darker outside when we decided to go back inside. As were walking towards the castle, I saw Parker leaning in a tree with his hands in his pockets. He stared at me directly but I diverted my eyes.

As soon as we get inside, I saw Elodie walking towards us. "Princess Mira, you're parents told me that they can't join you for dinner tonight. Their presence is needed in a meeting."

"It's fine. I'm not that hungry and I just want to take a rest." I told her.

"Yes, Your Highness. I'll bring you some warm milk and cookies for snacks." she said.

"Thank you." I answered. Elodie bowed and went to the kitchen. Trevor and I looked at each other and chuckled.

"I'll walk you to your bedroom." Trevor said. Good thing that my room is not that far and it wasn't a long walk. My legs are already aching.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow." he said.

"Okay. Good night, Archer." I said and hugged him. Trevor hugged me back and kissed the top of my head.

"Good night, Mira." he said. I smiled at him and went to my bedroom.

I was preparing to go to bed when someone knocked on my door. I went to open it but I saw no one. Not even Drexel or Benjamin. I was about to close the door when I noticed a white tulip in front of my door. I picked it up and saw that there was a note.

"Glad to see you again, Princess."

"Trevor." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I went back inside and put the tulip in the vase that's near in my bed. I turned off the lights and closed my eyes, letting the tiredness put me into sleep.

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