Chapter 3

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After Trevor and I ate our food, we decided to walked for a moment. It was a quiet walk but it's not awkward because we were used to each others' presence.

"Mira." Trevor called me and I looked at his direction. I saw something glint in his eyes but I couldn't decipher it.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Trevor seems nervous and it's really weird because I didn't see him like this before. He was always confident and seeing him like this surprised me.

"You know that I love you, right? And I'll do anything to protect you. I-If I lied to you. Are you going to be mad at me?" he asked.

I creased my forehead at his question. Why is he acting like this?

"Archer, what are you talking about?" I asked, confused at his sudden change of mood.

He looked at the ground and said, "I'm just afraid of what might happen. I'm afraid that you'll never forgive me."

I am really confused now. What is he babbling about? I was about to ask him but my phone rang. I immediately picked it up and looked at the caller. Mom was calling me.

"Mama, I'm with Trevor and we're coming home." I quickly told her before she scolds me.

"No! Don't come home! You understand me?! Do not come home! Give the phone to Trevor, right now!" she commands.

I quicky gave the phone to Trevor and told him that it's my mom. He took it and put the phone on his ear.

"Trevor... What?" he said, widening his eyes.

"What? What's happening?" I asked, worriedly but he didn't answer me.

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry, I'll protect her. I'll meet you there." he said and he hanged up the phone.

"Why did you hanged up?! What happened?!" I asked.

"There's an emergency. Come on, we need to leave." he said and grabbed my hand. We began to walked towards the car but before we hopped inside, I suddenly retract my hand from him.

"What the hell is going on, Trevor? What's the rush?" I asked.

"There's no time to explain, Mira. I promise once we were in the car, I'll tell you everything." he said.

I was about to argue with him but someone called Trevor. We both turn around and saw two guys approaching us.

"Did you receive the call?" a black-haired guy asked.

"You.." I whispered.

Trevor looked at me and asked, "You know him?"

"He's the guy I said I saw earlier at school." I told him while still looking at him.

The other guy bowed at me. He looks like the guy that I saw earlier except that his hair is blonde. "Greetings, Your Highness. I am Steven Lenox and this is my brother, Parker Lenox."

Parker looked at me and bowed.

"Trevor, we don't have much time. We need to leave now." Steven said.

"Hold up! Nobody's going to leave until you tell me what the hell is going on!" I said to them and it's very clear that I'm frustrated.

Trevor cupped my cheeks and says, "Mira, there is no time to argue. We have to leave so that we can get you to safety. I know it's confusing to you but I promise, I will tell you everything once we were there, okay?"

I looked at Trevor's eyes and I saw entreaty in it. I sighed and I nodded. Trevor smiled a little and he opens the car for me to get inside.

"I'll drive." I heard Steven said. Trevor sat beside me and Parker sat at the passenger seat.

"Why are guys doing here, anyway?" Trevor asked.

"The King ordered us to watch you. He said that you'll need our help." Steven says.

"This is so confusing." I whispered. I don't even know where we going but Trevor seems to trust these guys. I suddenly remembered Mom, I took my phone from the bag and dialed her number but she wasn't answering.

I tried calling Dad but he didn't answer, too. "Damn it." I whispered.

"Who are you calling?" Trevor asked.

"Mama or Pops." I said, frustration is clear in my voice.

"Do not worry, Your Highness. I'm sure they are safe." Parker said.

"How'd you know that? By the way, where are we going?" I asked.

"To the one place where we can keep you safe." he answered.

I looked around and saw a lot of trees. It was dark outside and there were no other cars. Minutes later, I saw some fogs started to appear and it freaked me out. I felt really scared and suddenly my heart started to beat harder. It was so hard I could hear it in my ears and I had trouble in breathing.

"Mira. Mira. Are you okay?" I heard Trevor asked but it was so blurred.

Suddenly, the car stopped. In front of the car, we saw a woman dressed in a black gown. She was so pale and thin. So thin, that she has a sunken eyes.

"Who is that?" I asked, even though my chest hurts.

"A dark Nephilim." Steven replied.

The woman looked directly at us and point at us. I don't know what she's doing when all of a sudden the doors opened and we flew out of the car.

I hit my shoulder on a rock and my chest started to hurt more. I saw the woman walking towards me but Steven, Parker and Trevor was in front of me already with swords on their hands.

They lunged at her and started fighting. I tried to sit up but the pain was becoming unbearable. I wanted to cry so much. What is happening to me?

I looked at them again and saw Trevor being held by the woman with a knife pointing at his neck.

"Give us the girl or he dies!" she hissed.

Despite of the pain, I sat up and looked at the woman's eyes. Nobody can hurt my best friend.

"Dolor.." I whispered. The woman eyes and nose started to bleed and he let go of Trevor. All of them looked at me but I didn't stop staring at the woman. She was now screaming as she bleeds to death and when she died, she become an ash.

I breathe heavily. The pain in my chest started to fade but I knew I was going to faint.

"Mira." Trevor called me but I fell down. Good thing, someone caught me and it turns out it was Parker.

"How did she do that?" I heard Steven says.

"It doesn't matter. We need to go on, she need medical attention." Parker said and carried me in bridal style. He placed me in the car slowly and Trevor placed my head in his lap.

"Archer, what happened?" I asked Trevor.

"Shh, you need to rest. Close your eyes, Mira." he said.

I nodded and saw Steven in the driver's seat and started the car. I closed my eyes and instantly fall into sleep.

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