Chapter 10

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It's been weeks since I obtained the black book and I still haven't opened it. It's starting to piss me off actually because I tried everything but none of it works. And, to lessen my irritation, I focused more on my training with Trevor and I read a lot.

Today was not a training day and I decided to hide from Elodie and the others. I was sitting at the back part of the library, reading about the history of Florland. I found out that Apate used to lived here when she was in her human form.

"Your Highness, what are you doing here?" a voice said. I looked up and saw Parker, wearing the royal guard uniform.

"Funny. I was about to ask you the same thing." I said and went back to reading again.

He sat down beside me and I looked at him. He looked back and raised his eyebrows. "What?" he asked. I just rolled my eyes and sighed.

"I heard that you're beating Trevor in the training." he said.

"So I've heard." I replied, still looking at the book.

Parker cleared his throat and said, "Look, Your Highness. I-I'm sorry for my unpleasant attitude. You must think that I'm a... show off?" he said.

I looked at him again and smirked, "You are a show off. But, okay, you're forgiven."

Parker smiled and held out his hands. "Friends?" he suggested.

I took his hands and shake it. "Friends." I said. "You know, it's the third time I saw you here."

"Where?" he asked, confused.

"In the library." I stood up and walked to the shelves where I get the book. I saw Parker stood up in my peripheral vision and followed me.

"Well, this place helped me a lot." he said.

"Yeah, how?" I asked.

"For example, when I want to avoid my annoying brother." he said and laughed.

"He seems to be a good guy. It must be really nice having a sibling." I commented.

"It is. After all, he's the only family I've got." he said. I looked at him and saw his face softens.

"What happened?" I asked.

It took him a moment before he answered and I suddenly felt guilty. "You know, you shouldn't answer that. It's none of my business." I said.

"It's okay. They died in a fight. They died protecting us." he said weakly.

"Sorry." I apologized.

He laughed a little and shake his head. "It's not your fault." Parker said. I cleared my throat and continued looking for another book to read. When I got bored looking through the shelves, I went to the spot where the paintings are hanging and stared at it. I felt Parker's presence beside me.

"I never really thought that this kind of world exist. Although, I knew deep inside that I'm not normal. There are times that I think I'm going crazy because of the nightmares but it has meanings now." I said.

"Those nightmares. Are they still happening?" Parker asked.

"No. Ever since I came here, it's been peaceful." I replied.

"Your Highness, can I ask you a question?" he said. I was still looking at the paintings but I nodded at his question.

"When we were on the way here, how did you do that?" he asked.

"I don't really know. But, I think it has something to do with who I am. I mean, look at this, I'm the only girl." I answered. I looked at my watch and saw that it's almost 7pm.

"I have to go, Parker. Elodie must be so worried now." I told him.

"Wait. She didn't know you're here?" he asked, looking surprised.

I laughed and shake my head. I was about to go out when he called me again. "It's nice talking to you, Your Highness." he said.

"Same with you, Sir Lenox." I replied and went out.

I peek at the hallway to see if Elodie or the guards are there but, luckily, I didn't see them. I quickly walked towards my door and went inside.
I was relieved when I'm inside but it didn't last long because Elodie was in my room, with her arms crossed.

"Elodie!" I shrieked.

"And where did you hide, young lady?" she asked.

"I-I was j-just in the library." I said, stuttering.

"Did you know that you make me worried? I was so scared that something might happen to you. I searched for you everywhere but I can't find you." she said.

I looked at the ground and said, "I'm so sorry, Elodie."

Elodie sighed and walked towards me. She then hugged me tight. "I saw you as my own child now, Mira. And just like a mother looking out for her child, I will protect you at all cost. You scared me, Your Highness."

I hugged Elodie back and rest my chin on her shoulders. "You don't have to worry about me because I can take care of myself. Besides, Parker is with me."

Elodie withdrew from the hug and stared at me. "Promise me it won't happen again."

I smiled and nodded, "I promise."

"You should rest now. I'll bring you something to eat. Do you have any request?" she asked.

"Uhm, chocolates. Please?" I requested. Elodie nodded and went out.

I grabbed my towel and took a shower. After that, I wore my pajamas and sat down in the bed waiting for Elodie.

As I was waiting, I suddenly looked up to the bookshelf where I put the black book. I was lazy to get up so I held out my hand and focused on the shelf.

"Veni.." I whispered. Then suddenly, the book flew to my hand by itself. I smiled and felt proud of myself. I've got a magic in me. I stared at the engraving closely and wondered what can fit in there. I heard some voices outside and I quickly put the book under my pillow.

Elodie came in with tray of food and drink then she placed it in the table in my bedside. "I have to go, Your Highness. Is there anything you need?" she asked.

"Nothing more, Elodie. Thank you." I replied. She bowed and left the room.

I took the book again and traced my  finger in the engraving. Wait, this shape looks familiar. I, then, unconsciously touched my necklace. "Could it be that simple?" I told myself.

I took off my necklace and placed it in the circle. It fits perfectly and I pressed it lightly then I heard something clicked.

I smiled widely as I knew what it means. It opened.

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