Chapter 4

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As I stood at the window in my bedroom, I can't help but to worry on her condition. Where is she now? Is she safe? I kept staring at the sky, wishing to the gods and goddesses to protect my child. My only child. I was still looking at the sky when someone touched my shoulders.

"Hey, she's going to be okay. Don't worry, Trevor and the Lenox brothers will protect her." he whispered.

"I can't stop thinking about her, Gabriel. We were supposed to tell her this when the time is right but our plan is ruined." I said, shaking my head. I bit my lip as I tried to control my tears but my eyes betrayed me.

Gabriel slowly turns me around to face him. "Charlotte, our daughter is strong. She is strong just like her mother. When all else fails, she won't."

I kept looking at the ground and asked him a question. A question that I fear a lot. "What if she doesn't accept us?"

Gabriel touched my chin and lifted my head. "Have faith, Charlotte." I nodded and hugged him. I feel safe in his arms, in the arms of my beloved husband.

Soon after, someone knocked on the door.

"Your Majesty, they are here."

I slowly opened my eyes, letting my vision became clear. We were still in the car and I felt someone touched the top of my head.

"Mira. You okay?" Archer asked. I sat up and saw that Parker was now driving the car. I looked outside and saw an unfamiliar surroundings. "Where are we?" I asked.

"We're still in America, if that's you're worrying about." he answered.

"How long has I been out?" I asked.

"Two hours, Your Highness." Steven said. I just nod at them as I felt a little headache. "Mira, do you remember what happened earlier?" he asked again.

It took me a moment to answer. "Yeah." I whispered.

I remember it very clearly. The pain in my chest, the fight, the death of that woman, everything. I remember everything.

"How did you do that?" Steven asked

I looked at him and said, "I don't know. I-I was really mad when I saw her pointing a knife at Archer. I want her to feel so much pain. I wanted to punish her and that- that happened. B-But, I didn't mean to kill anybody."

"Actually, you did a right thing, Your Highness." Parker commented.

Archer and Steven just stares at me. I'm really confused right now and I just want to go home.

"What is happening to me?" I whispered, my voice was shaking.

"We cannot tell you. We are not in the position to tell you everything, Your Highness." Parker said.

"Okay, the "Your Highness" thing is starting to annoy me. Why the hell are you calling me that?" I snapped at him but nobody answered.

I let my head fall down in my seat and closed my eyes. I'm really irritated at their behavior and seeing them makes it more awful.

Soon after, I heard Parker's voice again. "We're here." he said. I slowly open my eyes and looked out the window.

Outside, I saw trees that seems to be shining in the dark. Every branch, there was a different color of lamp that serves as the light in the stone bridge we are now passing by. When we passed the bridge, I saw a large white castle, it's walls and towers were filled with vines that has different kind of flowers.

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