Chapter 8

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"What about this one, Your Highness?" Elodie asked while holding a red, glittering gown. It was beautiful but red isn't my color. I shake my head as a response and Elodie nodded. She continued to look for another while I went to the closet to see if there's anything there that I would wear.

My eyes were drifted in a box under the hanging clothes. I kneeled down to pick it up. I wipe the dust and opened it. Inside, I saw a long black dress.

"Elodie." I called. She looked at me and went near me. "Can you unfold this for me?" I requested.

Elodie took the dress and hold it up for me. It was a black, off-shoulder long dress and has a slit on the right leg. It was simple but it is beautiful.

"Is this the one, Your Highness?" she asked while smiling. I nodded and took the dress from her. I went to the bathroom to try it on and it fit perfectly. It enhances my small waist and the color complemented my skin color.

"You're so beautiful, princess. Just like your mother." Elodie commented when I got out from the bathroom. I thanked her and went to sit down in front of the mirror. Elodie fixed my hair into a "not-so" messy bun while I applied some makeup. I applied a smokey eyeshadow with some matte lipstick.

When we were done, Elodie placed a diamond tiara in my head. I suddenly become nervous and I took a deep breath. Elodie placed her hands in my shoulder and looked at me, "Don't be nervous, Your Highness. We will be there on your side. Remember, keep smiling because everyone is happy to see you." she said.

"Where's Trevor?" I asked Elodie.

"After the queen introduces you, Sir Archer will be waiting for you downstairs." Elodie explained. I nodded and took a deep breath again.

"Let's go, Your Highness." Elodie said and assist me. When we got out of the room, Drexel and Benjamin were already there waiting for us. We started walking until we reach a big door. I heard some faint music and the voice of my mother.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, one of ours finally came home. Please welcome, our daughter. The Princess of Florland. Miranda Winters." my mom said. The door opens slowly, I kept my head high and straighten my back. I slowly walked towards the door and saw a lot of people downstairs. Among them was my parents, looking proud at me. I also saw Parker and Steven in the crowd. Parker stares at me and when he felt that I was staring too, he smiled at me.

I diverted my eyes and focus somewhere else. My parents raised their glasses and said, "To Princess Miranda."

"To Princess Miranda!" They all said at the same time. I smiled at them and did a curtsy. I slowly walked down the stairs and saw Trevor, in his suit, waiting for me. He smiled at me when I'm close to him and reached out his hand.

"Hello, Your Highness." he said and kissed the back of my hand. I looped my arm around his as we walked towards my parents

"You're so beautiful." he commented.

"Thanks, Archer. You look good, too." I praised him.

"Miranda, may I present to you The Council." my father said as soon as we came close to them. Five men bowed to me and I did the same. "Pleasure to meet all of you." I greeted.

"The pleasure is ours, Your Highness." a blonde man, who seems to be the spokeperson, said. My parents continued to introduce me to all the guests and they were very kind. They always say that it's good to have me back which I think is sweet.

Shortly after, I got tired and we sat on a vacant table. "I'll bring you something to eat, okay?" Archer said.

"Okay." I replied with a smile. Archer smiled back and went to the food table. I looked at my parents and they were talking to some people. They looked so happy, more happy than usual, and I can't help but to smile too.

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