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by: acefusti138 (ao3)
r + e

02: WITHIN THE REALM OF POSSIBILITY by: acefusti138 (ao3)r + e

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Eddie handled stress differently than most.

After the years of mental abuse by his mother, anger was an outlet Eddie used if only because he'd never been able to as a child; Richie had known that fact for as long as he'd known his husband. Most of the time, it wasn't even true anger— more frustration he couldn't vocalize in the gravity of the situation. That feeling of inability to do what he wished—to speak his voice and stand up for something that didn't sit right with him—was much too familiar for someone who had grown up under the stifling oppression of free thought that was Sonia Kaspbrak.

Richie respected that.

Scenes that included being able to relieve said anger were few and far between; as one of the most intimate, loving things between them, adding anger into that mix was risky business. Eddie knew that sex was one of the few places where Richie could be emotionally open and raw with his husband without a single barrier to fret about. He could cry, whimper and plea for whatever touch, affection or love his heart yearned for.

Anger had no place in such a vulnerable display of passion and love.

But Eddie was stressed. Snippy and a bit blunt, the past week had been full of short-tempered snaps of unminced words and constant annoyance with seemingly unrelated things. Sure, Richie knew that as a mechanic, sometimes Eddie's coworkers could be a little brash, and were known to cause his husband stress. He'd long since accepted that. But never before had Eddie seemed this annoyed every time he came home from work, shoulders stiff and infuriated.

It had Richie worried, and honestly, as the one who often would unknowingly be on the end of said frustration, a little hurt.

Yeah, the fellow mechanics at the auto-shop were all a little gruff around their edges and would tease Eddie for his tiny stature or kind-hearted demeanor, but never had it been to the point that Eddie actually grew upset with them. It had Richie at a loss. Nothing had changed, save a few people. As of only a few days before, a handful of new mechanics had been hired, and Eddie had seemed to like them well enough. No unkind words about them; they were just there and that was that.

Until tonight. Eddie had come home very annoyed, going as far as to slam the door to the garage and all but throw his travel coffee mug in the sink with a loud Clang!. Richie, who'd only been home from work for about twenty minutes, nearly jumped out of his skin when the door was slammed. Scrambling to rise from the couch, he found Eddie leaning over the sink, gripping the sides and practically radiating his frustration.

"Eddie?" He asked softly, knowing better than to try and use one of his many affectionately-dubbed nicknames for his husband. Eddie looked up, the tension slowly melting from his stature and hard eyes softening. He sighed, low and heavy in his chest that had Richie moving closer, instinctively opening his arms for the younger man. Eddie had known from the moment he'd met Richie that Richie was a man who communicated his true feelings with his body, not his mouth. Hugs, kisses and constant touch were his preferred methods of condolence when Eddie was upset and was all he could accept in times of need. "C'mere baby," Richie said softly, seeing Eddie hesitate at the sight. The low, warm rumble of words had Eddie's resolve crumbling, and the chestnut-haired man gave in, hugging Richie tightly and nestling his head in the well-used cradle of his husband's arms. Richie was the sense of safety, of comfort and of home no matter where he went that never failed to soothe him. The hold was a calming mixture of warmth, affection, and tenderness that he would always be granted if he just asked. The smoky, familiar cologne that Eddie had stated offhandedly during their freshman year of high school he'd liked on Richie burned into his mind, chased by the Marlborough cigarettes that forever lingered on the man.

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