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by: fishboyarcade (ao3)

Finals week had just completed at university and the three boys decided to have a weekend at Richie's tiny one-bedroom rental house, just off campus, to celebrate

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Finals week had just completed at university and the three boys decided to have a weekend at Richie's tiny one-bedroom rental house, just off campus, to celebrate. It wasn't much, but at least it wasn't the dorms – at least that's how it felt to Bill and Eddie. Richie was just glad to have the company. And a weekend all three of them could spend together was something they had not been able to enjoy in a long while.

Stacking piles of pillows and blankets on Richie's bedroom floor in front of the TV, the three of them settled in for a movie marathon, complete with popcorn, sodas, and the few leftover beers from the house party Richie had hosted early at the beginning of the year, which came way too close to being busted.

A couple classic Godzilla flicks, along with Blade Runner started the night off strong, but when Richie suggested they watch a scary movie next, Eddie shifted uneasily in his seat. Bill looked at Eddie and back to the movie Richie was holding up. He knew Eddie wouldn't really put up a fight on what they watched, but sometimes when things got too scary for Eds, he would lie awake in the dark, afraid of whatever movie monster coming out of the shadows to get him. Even now, at this age. "If Eddie is up all night again because of this, it's your fault," he said to Richie.

Richie thought this particular movie was pretty campy, so he just shrugged and put on the film. But even with the over the top acting and bad special effects, every time something remotely creepy would happen on screen, Eddie would startle and bury his head in Bill's bare shoulder. (Bill was in his pajama pants. Richie, not caring one way or the other, was in only his boxers. Eddie, being the most self-conscious, wore both a t-shirt and sweatpants.) Richie just shook his head at Eddie and said, "Is this too scary for you Eds? I can turn it off if you're too big of a pussy."

"I'm fine," Eddie stated tonelessly, head still buried in Bill's shoulder from the last big scare.

"Whatever," Richie scoffed, rolling his eyes.

When the movie was over, Bill was all but asleep in the pile of pillows on the floor. Eddie, tired but too frightened from the movie to sleep, climbed into Richie's big bed, placing himself close to the wall, and Rich climbed in next to him. For the next few hours the two stayed up watching trash late-late night cable TV programs and cackling maniacally every few minutes at whatever stupid show they were watching. Bill had pulled several pillows up over his head to try to block out the noise that the pair were making, but to no avail.

"Can you two maybe tone it down a notch?" He grumbled at them from under the pillows.

While Richie tried to suppress another fit of laughter, Eddie mumbled, "Sorry, Bill. We'll try to keep it down." He switched off the TV and smacked Rich on the arm in an attempt to staunch his laughter, but only setting him off further.

Eventually the two settled down again, and Bill was just drifting off to sleep when another fit of giggles interrupted his almost-slumber. He groaned into the cotton fluff and shot up. "What is it now?"

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