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by: wizardingtributeofhades (ao3)

29: BROKEN RECORDby: wizardingtributeofhades (ao3)r+s

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                "I'm sorry man. We sold the last copy we had about a week ago." Stan muttered a few curses under his breath but thanked the woman behind the counter. Not a single record store in town had a copy and this one was his last hope. He knew Richie wouldn't care much but Stan had given him so much shit for breaking a little bird statue Bill had gotten. Stan considered going to all the stores again, hoping someone had sold a copy to them since he was there last.

                A golden finch landed just a few feet away and Stan lost his train of thought, watching the small bird as it hopped around on the dirty sidewalk, pecking at some food. He wished he had his journal to write down its markings. Stan watched as it flew off, right past the garishly lit sign. Emma's Erotic Emporium. Richie tried to drag him in there once before and Stan had to nearly fight him off to keep it from happening.

                He almost turned back, but something in the window caught his eye. Bottom lip clenched between his teeth Stan looked up and down the street, scanning every face he could see to make sure he didn't recognize a single one before darting into the store. "Hi, my name is Emma, welcome to the Emporium!" The woman behind the counter's smile faltered when she him. "Are you okay dearie?"

                "I uh- the window." When the only response he got was a confused look, he took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "There's a pair of underwear. In the window. I wanted to get a pair." He could feel his cheeks burning. "For my friend. A gag gift."

                "Ok dearie. Need to sit for a second first?"

                "No. No, I'm good. Really." Stan waited to get his breathing under control before looking up again.

                "Alright, so this friend, do you know what size he is? Or maybe what color he'd prefer?"

                "Red." He answered quickly. Richie always told him how good he looked in red. "I don't know about the size though."

                "Well, is he close to your size?" Stan could feel the heat in his cheeks rising again, knowing that Emma saw right though him. Hell she probably dealt with a thousand losers like him everyday who couldn't admit they were shopping for themselves. He nodded feebly, trying not to look her in the eyes.

                Emma was a godsend, talking Stan through everything and giving him a discreet bag, saving him from an embarrassing run back to their apartment. He thanked her profusely; buying everything she put in front of him, and walked out the door, head ducked and not stopping until he was standing in their living room. Richie would be home at 11 and he wanted to be ready.

                Stan stripped off, putting everything in the hamper before grabbing one of Richie's bigger flannels and heading into the bathroom. His nose crinkled as spread the Nair on legs, fighting the urge to wipe it off immediately. Legs hairless, Stan took a razor, shaving the sparse hairs on his chest and stomach. When he stepped out of the shower an hour later he felt like a new man, skin scrubbed to a light pink, wet curls falling around his head.

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