37: SEX SENT ME TO THE ER (pt. 2)

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37: SEX SENT ME TO THE ER (pt. 2)
by: the_lazy_eye (ao3)

Nothing could have prepared Eddie for the way his day was going to go

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Nothing could have prepared Eddie for the way his day was going to go. No. Nothing in the world. He should have known better, though. Nothing in this world comes without consequences and thinking about his hot patient from several weeks ago nonstop definitely has consequences. Speak it into existence, his friends told him. Say it out loud, they said.

So, he did.

"I'll see Richie Tozier again someday," he said.

He wasn't really prepared for it to be so fucking soon. And he definitely wasn't prepared for everything that followed.

With a hot latte in hand, a familiar dinging noise rang out in his favorite coffee shop. Rain painted the big, Victorian style windows and a small chill ran through Eddie's spine as a breeze snuck in through the open door. He pays it no mind as he swipes his card, exchanging small pleasantries with his usual barista. He distantly hears footsteps approach and feels the presence of someone standing behind him. Nothing registers in his brain, however, until he hears a low whistle.

"Well, well, well," a familiar voice sounds out, cutting off his barista in mid-sentence. Eddie doesn't turn around, he doesn't move. He knows that voice. He knows that tone. "Look who it is!"

When Eddie finally, slowly, turns around he's faced with the one and only Richard Tozier in the flesh. Except this time, he's not dressed in a hospital gown and sitting under fluorescent lighting that washes him out. He's got a pair of slim jeans hugging his hips and thighs, ripped at one knee and long enough to drag on the ground over his shoes. Under his jacket he's got a dark shirt on from a band Eddie's never heard of and fucking hell. If Eddie thought he was hot in the hospital then he must be some otherworldly God right now.

"Cat got your tongue, doc?" Richie says, all easy smiles and crinkled eyes and Eddie realizes that he hasn't said anything yet. He's just staring dumbly at Richie and gripping his coffee so tight the cup might burst.

He coughs once and then finishes slipping his card back in his wallet before dumbly saying, "Eddie. My name, I mean. It's Eddie."

Richie takes his hand and Eddie can't fucking believe the way sparks fly down his fingers and into his wrist, down his forearm.

"The pleasure is all mine," Richie says and then he fucking brings Eddie's hand up to his mouth and kisses it and if Eddie wasn't short circuiting before he sure as hell is now.

Instead of replying, Eddie gracelessly flounders. His mouth opens and closes several times as he pulls his hand back and just stares. The barista coughs and the bell over the door dings again. Eddie watches as a customer gets in line behind Richie.

"I should probably go?" he says but it comes out like a question, voice unsure and raising at the end. Richie smiles and winks, stepping forward when Eddie steps aside and calmly and causally orders a soy, no foam caramel macchiato. Eddie scoffs and Richie laughs, tendering the transaction and turning back to Eddie with a raised eyebrow. "No foam? That's the best fucking part."

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