Chapter 28: Adore You

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Margaret called me again but I chose to ignore her calls. I think I'm not ready even though she's insisting. I only did that because I'm drunk and not because I'm interested.

I was cleaning my room when I received a notification. It's says that I have a friend request. When I checked it, it's Woodlawn. He's adding me on Facebook. I checked his profile. His posts are private but his cover photo caught my attention. It's a wedding photo. I can't see their faces because they're facing the altar and it was taken from their back. I'm sure that the groom is Woodlawn and the bride looks like Allie. I know it's her even if I can't see her face. Allie's built is like that. I think I know why he's adding me. He wants to show me that he married her. I blocked him and felt the anger inside me. A lot of things could really happen in just a year.

Margaret called again. This time, I answered her call and even asked her to go out.

I know it's unfair. I'm not interested but I'm desperate to feel nothing. I'm dying to feel nothing about her. I need someone to help me forget and I think Margaret could be a great help.

We went to a bar and had few drinks and after that, we went straight to her place. Something happened to us that night but I think she felt that I don't really like her.

We were lying on her bed completely naked and she hugged me. I just let her do that while I was staring at the ceiling with my arms behind my head.

"What's on your mind?" she asked

"I'm just sleepy."

"They said, if a guy hugs you after sex, it means that he really like you. I think you don't. Am I correct?"

I chose not to answer her. I kept staring at the ceiling, pretending like I heard nothing.

"I adore you, Kid. Since I first saw you. If you don't like me now, it's fine with me. I know someday you will."

Since then, we continued dating.

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