Chapter 6: Angel on Earth

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It's been three weeks since we started talking. I sent her photos and videos about my day. I even sent her my best photos expecting that she'll be impressed but she never noticed my looks. It's always the small details of the pictures.

I think she's also interested about me because we always talk to each other and it's obvious that she cares for me too. I always have her "Ingat ka, Daniel. Be observant." every time I go out. It seems like both of us are waiting for the first move.

I told her a lot of things that shows my interest about her like saying she's really pretty, she's funny, she's witty but that girl never got it. She's also shy to say thank you that's why I told her that every time she receives a compliment, she should thank the person because it's rude to ignore.

"It's not my intention to ignore. I just don't know what to say and I don't know if I should believe." She said

"At least, say thank you." I told her

I sensed that she's having self-esteem issues and I don't know why. She's pretty, she's smart, and she's polite. Well, she's almost everything. I think it is something new about her again.

We talked about the things we do. I told her that I was bombarded with school works and I'm just having a quick break. She said she's helping her former student with his research paper.

"Are you doing that for free?" I asked


"But you are using your professional skills"

"Help is free and so is love."

I think Allie is a great teacher because she's very close to her students and she's also approachable. That wasn't new for me because I also asked her before and she told me that she's proofreading her kid's short story. I haven't seen her teaching and I don't know why she's close to them but seeing that kids ask for her help tells me that she's very reliable and comfortable to be with. Maybe she's not judgmental too because if I were a kid, I'll never ask help from someone who's gonna judge my work.

I was curious so I asked for her help. I sent her a file of my assignment asking her to proofread it. A part of me wants to assure that I wrote it well but my main reason is I want to know why they always ask for her assistance.

After few minutes, she sent me some screenshots showing some phrases and words that she marked. She told me that those were run-on sentences and some words should be in past tense. She also told me few things to keep in mind just to make sure that my sentences are right and also told me that she loves my view and I'm really convincing.

Now I know why. She's not just focusing on the errors but she also look at the good side. She'll show your mistakes and will teach you how to avoid it and she'll also cheer you up.

Her face is beautiful. Her mind is beautiful. Her heart is also beautiful. I'm falling too hard.

"Thanks, Allie! No doubt that you're a good Journ adviser." I said

"Ohhhh, I miss them." She said

"You love them so much, eh?"

"I really miss my heralds. We had best the time together. Sometimes I regret that I left teaching because since I handled that organization, my life has changed. You know, I'm really into writing but it's different when you inspire a kid to write. So different that your words could ignite a desire. That's why I push my kids back then. I don't want their potential to stay that way. I want to go back to school, teach kids, inspire, see their growth but I also need that and I don't have the luxury of time so I left."

"You're still a teacher, Allie. You're licensed. You can still inspire them."

"I left them, Daniel and now I'm in a different field."

"You could always go back."

"Hmmm. Yeah. Someday? I still don't know. I also want to grow. I also want to explore while I still can, while I'm not yet old."

"Do you think that profession will stop you from growing?"

"Yes, financially and I also have few time for myself and my family. I love teaching and I love the kids but you know, love is not enough."

This is a major turn on for me. This girl knows what she wants in life and that's rare. I also noticed that she has a tendency of leaving something or someone she loves for something she needs. Too strong, isn't she?

She slept early that day and I was also busy with my assignments but good thing, I finished those in time. I decided to check our alma mater's website to see if I could see her face there. She handled the Journalism Organization so there's a huge chance that she also handled the school's site.

I've seen usual school thing such usual school articles, promotions, models and many more then I decided to check the achievements. Great choice! I've seen a lot about The Maroon Herald, the journalism organization that she started. They're newbies but they're good. They also excel outside the school. I've seen a lot of pictures about her journalists and the contests they joined but I've never seen her face. It's always the kids.

I scrolled further and I've seen soft copies of their newspapers. Maybe I'll see her face there. I read all the issues of The Maroon Herald but I didn't see her face again, just her name. I've seen a lot of faces like my old teachers, new personnel, students, journalist, celebrities who visited the school and many more but there's no Allison.

I noticed that the newspapers are cool. It's really different from our newspaper before. The contents are interesting, something that the school community will read. Allie is so cool. She's very cool.

I can't help but smile because she achieved a lot but her feet remained on the ground like a tall tree standing still. You won't hear her brag about her achievements but she brags about her kids and their works.

I thought I know her but Allie is always mysterious.

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