Chapter 11: She Loves Me

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I was scrolling through my cellphone when I received a notification from Gmail. I opened it and it's an email from Allie. I smiled because she asked me my email address a week before. I asked her why and she told me that she's gonna hack it and use it for fraud.

She sent me a birthday message and I received it at exactly 12 midnight. She said,

"Happy 25th birthday, My Daniel! I still can't believe how things worked for us. It's been almost a month when you told me you love me and I'm glad that you approached me.

You came along perfectly, right moment, right time. You better thank yourself for having a crush on me. I'm not kidding!

I thank God, destiny, universe, and gravity for pulling us closer together. I also thank you for being so gentle and patient. Thank you for making me feel loved even we're apart.

I won't be tired debating with you. We'll learn more from each other.

I can't be with you now but I know on your next birthdays, you'll be annoyed on how clingy I am. I love you, Daniel. Happy happy birthday!"

What did I do to deserve that? She's the best birthday gift. I hope I can express myself as perfect as her. I want to tell her how happy I am after reading it so I called her even though I'm speechless.

Allie: Bon anniversaire! (She greeted as she answered my call)

Kid: I can't speak French, babe. (Laughed) Thank you. I read what you sent me. I really appreciate it. I'm not good with words but I really appreciate it. Thank you and I love you.

Allie: You're welcome and I love you too.

Kid: I love you.

Allie: I love you too.

Kid: I love you.

Allie: I love you too.

Kid: I love you.

Allie: I said love you too. (Laughed)

Kid: I'll sleep happy tonight. Thank you

Allie: You're always welcome, birthday boy. Good night.

Kid: Good night, sweetheart.

And I dropped the call. I smiled and remembered Ed Sheeran's Best Pat of Me. I played it and tears fell down my cheeks. She could have anyone else but Allie loves me. She chose to love me even I don't love myself. Everything's making sense. I'm so in love with her.

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