Chapter 7

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~3rd POV~

The men/monsters show sad and regretful expressions as they realized how upset the beautiful maiden felt and what she said. They all look at each other and one of them spoke out; the youngest one.

"Well..we will show you to your room..", he says nervously and timidly but the maiden heard it and was confused.

"My room? But I-i thought that..", she asks quietly in fear and in sadness but also with curiosity. She was thinking that she would stay here and not in a, most likely, beautiful and elegant room.

The second oldest man/monster growls out, "You want to stay in the tower?" He received a small push on the arm by the third oldest.

The maiden answers, "No.." Her voice still had the hint of pure sadness and honesty. It broke some of the men's/monsters' hearts. Perhaps they are too harsh on the old man and maiden.

"Then follow us.", the tall and slightly big-lipped man/monster replies with harshness in his tone as he turns around to walk away. The others follow soon after, the soft and plump-lipped man/monster helping (Y/N) up onto her feet.

After walking down the tower, the man/monster beside (Y/N) speaks to her for the first time. "My name is Kim Seok Jin but you can call me Jin if you prefer." His voice was soft, calm, and motherly. Why, the maiden would dare say that she felt safe around him just by hearing him.

"I'm (Y/N)..", the frightened but calm girl replies in a soft and polite tone. She spares a glance to look at Jin and is mesmerized. He has fair skin with beautiful yellow amber-colored eyes. His cheeks are dusted with pink as are his beautiful lips. They looked like soft pillows.

Wait, (Y/N)! Why are you thinking like this? You're their prisoner and you're mentally complimenting Jin. Why must you be so weird??

The maiden's (Skin/Tone) cheeks were red as she blushed, thinking about his lips. Jin notices her rosy cheeks and smiles softly. So adorable... The oldest werewolf thought to himself.

Jin speaks up for the men/monsters and says, "If she is going to stay with us, she may as well know ALL of our names. I already introduced myself." His voice sounded orderly and it made (Y/N) stand up straighter a little.

One of the men/monsters says, "Oh, I suppose you're right, Hyung! My name is Jung Hoseok but you can call me Hobi!" The man/monster shows a heart-shaped and closed eyes smile and (Y/N) couldn't help but smile as well. His smile is contagious!!

A shy man/monster speaks silently, "My name is Jungkook(international playboy hehe)." (Y/N) nods and shows him a small and soft smile, understanding his shyness. That's funny..he reminds me of a bunny, considering how quiet and cute he is.

(Y/N), get your head out of the clouds and pay attention. Make an escape plan.

(Y/N) nods to herself and waits for the next name to be given out. The short, pale, and angry man/monster answers in a bored and annoyed tone, "Suga." The maiden nods in acknowledgment.

The second youngest man/monster introduces himself, "Hi, my name's V. (I'mgoodboy)" His voice very much surprised (Y/N) as she was expecting a slightly higher pitched voice to come out. But it wasn't like she was complaining. His voice sounded like smooth, dark chocolate with a childlike tone. She smiled with the small amount of happiness she had.

(Y/N) felt a tug on her right sleeve and saw the timid and thick-lipped cutie looking down with a light blush. "Jimin..." She just smiles and pats his head softly.

Holy peanuts and pickles, his hair is SOOOOO soft! It feels like petting a kitten...



Jesus, you're weird.

(Y/N) blushes from her previous thoughts and retracts her hand.
A small whimper of sadness erupted from Jimin as he felt no more of the beautiful maiden's head patting. He was not a werewolf but a vampire so it was strange for the other men to hear, due to their enhanced hearing.

"Call me RM." The voice that said that was deep and alluring, like V's but with his own roughness. It made the girl tremble slightly but not out of fear. The tallest one had intimidated (Y/N) but she tried to seem brave. So she nods with a small smile.

The tall werewolf felt his cheeks heat up as (Y/N)'s smile was..cute. Now as he looked at her for a few more seconds, he noticed that she had (dimples/ freckles/smile lines/birthmark). His cheeks flared more once he realized he was caught staring.

The poor girl was oblivious to the reason behind the blush and shrugged it off. As the group stopped in front of two large doors, Suga spoke in the same dark tone, "This is your room. Do not trash it or there will be consequences." He glared at (Y/N) with a very menacing stare but (Y/N) simply inhaled and nodded.

Least to say, that action shocked the small man/monster. He was expecting the girl to be shaking with fear or crying but..she did nothing. Strange woman...

Jin then nudges RM and whispers, "Let's invite her to dinner." RM gives him a bored stare to say, "Seriously?"

The eldest gave him puppy eyes that always worked on him before the turning but it was even better since he changed. RM then sighs in defeat and says in a tone like Suga's, "You will join us for dinner. THAT'S NOT A REQUEST."

(Y/N) gasps as the doors slam shut with the others on the other side shocked. (Y/N) feels her tears building up once again but this time they flowed for what seems like forever for her. Her tears continue to fall as she collapsed on her new, soft bed.

~V's POV~

I was speechless. Namjoon Hyung was never this harsh, not even to (Y/N)'s father. I frown and walk up to him with anger. "What the hell was that for?! Could you have not asked politely and not like an idiot?!"

Jimin Hyung tried to hold me back but failed and stood away. Jin Hyung tried to hold Namjoon Hyung back but also failed. Namjoon Hyung then stomped toward me and grabbed my collar upwards.

"You better realize that YOU call me Hyung or you don't say my name at ALL." His face contorted into anger but I could care less if he was angry at me, just not at (Y/N). I shove him off me and dust myself off.

Namjoon Hyung then says, "She is our prisoner. Nothing else. She gave up her freedom by herself. It was her choice. Therefore, it is HER fault."

I then reply, "You still could've spoken to her kindly." We both glared at each other for some time then Yoongi Hyung spoke up.

"Shut your traps, both of you. Hoseok, choose her dress and give it to her. Jungkook, tend to the fire. Dinner will be ready soon."

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