Chapter 19

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~Yoongi POV~

I hate her.

I hate the way she makes my heart race whenever I see or think of her.

I hate the way she makes me smile.

I mean, I rarely smile! Jin-hyung's jokes never make me laugh, Namjoon just breaks things, Hoseok is too bright yet I tolerate him, Jimin is still shy around me, Taehyung just makes weird faces, and Jungkook is just Jungkook.

How can a peasant girl like (Y/N) make me, a prince, smile?!

How does she have such an effect on me?

It could be love but I've been hurt many times in the past by simply falling in love.

She could be different.

No, she could be exactly like the rest.

But..none of them had enjoyed my music before, always telling me, 'Can you get me this or that?' or 'I don't want you to play anymore, I have a headache.'

She enjoyed it. She stayed to listen to the whole song!

She even let me hold her close! I never say it but I very much love physical affection. Hand holding, hugs, everything. Of course, I'm a little scared to tell the boys about it as I would be known as the "softie" of the group.

Her warm body felt so nice against my cold body. I felt warmer with her, her skin is so soft as well as her hands. They were small on my skinny, pale hands and it made me feel like I could fly.

She doesn't know this but her heartbeat was so fast compared to mine. Sure, mine was fast too but I was slightly frightened by how fast her's was. At least she knows how I feel when I'm with her now.

I never thought of a title to call it but with (Y/N) capturing my heart, filling my mind, and giving my soul a positive feeling, I know what to call it.

I Need U.

I do not care much for spelling if I'm being rather honest. But it says quite enough for how I feel about (Y/N).

I snap out of my thoughts as I remember my current situation. (Y/N) was leaning on me as she had fallen asleep in my arms. Her (S/T) cheeks had a slight pink to them and her chest was slowly rising with every breath she took. Her eyes were closed, hiding those two beautiful irises that pulled me in every second I looked.

She looks so peaceful and adorable like this. In my arms, at peace and absolutely filling my heart with adoration and love. She makes me feel all funny inside but it doesn't feel like a bad thing. Rather I would not want it to end.

But of course, she may awaken and be upset about it. I understand that Taehyung and Jungkook want to include me in their energetic activities. I say that I do not care about it but I very much appreciate their efforts.

I gently pick (Y/N) up from the bench and let her settle in my arms. She let out a sigh and smiled. I almost swooned at the sight, my heart racing and stomach full of butterflies.

I smiled and decided to give her forehead a soft kiss. She smiled again and nuzzled her face on my shoulder. I walked slowly to not wake the sleeping beauty(hint hint👀👀🤭) to the doors.

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