Chapter 24: Namjoon

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~Namjoon POV~

I swear I'm sweating enough to fill thousands of bathtubs. Why was this so difficult to do? I mean, I've conversed with her so easily with no trouble. Okay, maybe a little trouble.

I look through the crack of the library's doors to see her. A more beautiful goddess than the one that cursed us. Her hair lightly tossed to the side, her beautiful (E/C) eyes tracing each word in her book, her (L/C) lips softly pursed in concentration.

How can she make me feel the way I feel? It's as if she cast a love spell on us and it was working. She looked so invested in her story, I felt a little bad for disrupting her. But I need to do this if I'll ever get a chance with her.

I deeply inhale and exhale, some stress leaving my body but it grew back as soon as I opened the doors. (Y/N) looked up from her book and gave me another one of those beautiful smiles.

She says, "Hi, Joonie. What brings you here?"

My tail wagged at the sound of her voice. It's as if it was one of an angel's. She could talk about the smallest of things and I would never tire of her voice. Oh, how I wish to hear her sing.

I remembered her nickname for me and I almost squealed in embarrassment. I then clear my voice and say with a slightly trembling voice, "(Y/N), I know we have only known each other for a few says yet I never felt such a connection with anyone else than you. Would you give me the honor of accepting a dance with me?"

(Y/N)'s beautiful eyes widen in surprise and I was already regretting my question. My ears go down to my head and I close my eyes in embarrassment and hastily say, "If you decline, that is alright! I understand completely and-"

I feel a soft finger lightly push my lips and open my eyes to see (Y/N)'s face inches from mine and my cheeks went blood red. A soft smile grazed her face and she responds, "Yes, I would love to have a dance with you, Joonie."

My brain slowly processed her answer as I only prepared myself for her saying 'no'. I gave a wide grin to her and my tail was wagging so fast, it felt like it was going to fall off. My ears darted up and I replied, "Oh, um, that's great! Thank you so much for accepting, it means more than you think!"

My eyes widen as I blurted out what I was thinking. Oh, God! Why can't I just not embarrass myself all the time?! I feel my face burning up, my ears going down to my head, and my tail going through my legs.

I then hear an angelic giggle fill my ears as they perk up. I see (Y/N) holding her book to her mouth so I couldn't see her smile. My heart swelled to see her eyes were closed, letting me know she was truly smiling.

I feel relief and happiness rush through me and I say, "Alright, I'll have Mrs. Potts bring you a dress and the dance will be at whatever time you prefer."

She began to think for a few seconds and she replied, "How about in 3 hours?"

I smile and nod. My heart was pounding against my chest and I hope my sweat didn't show past my fur. Oh, I've got to clean myself! Ugh, as much as I despise baths, I'd rather not smell like sweat and wet dogs in front of (Y/N).

~(Y/N)'s POV~

An hour had passed since Namjoon asked to dance with me and I was looking through my wardrobe, aka Madam Garderobe, for a suitable dress. I mean, all of these were beautiful but they didn't seem to fit well with me.

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