Chapter 24: Hoseok

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~Hoseok POV~

Okay, okay, okay

You can do this, Hobi






"Shh, Master Hoseok! (Y/N) may hear you and the surprise will be ruined!"

Okay so, I didn't want the others knowing my plan and asking (Y/N) before me so I went to the only one I trust a tad bit more than the others.


I sigh in frustration and say, "Chip, I don't know if I can do this. What if she says no? Or laughs at me? I only like it when I'm being silly, not serious!"

Chip replies, "You don't know how she'll react until you ask!"

I nod, knowing what the cup is saying is true. But she's so beautiful and sweet and everything a man could dream of and I'm..I'm just a monster. A horrid looking and smelly werewolf. I try so hard to make her smile and laugh but I'm scared that's the only thing I'll ever be to her: a jester.

Chip chimes in, "Don't be insecure, Master Hoseok! You may look different but Miss (Y/N) isn't scared of you! She likes being around you! Do you want to be too late to ask her?"

I turn to him and smile softly. I gently pat him on his "head" and he chuckles. I reply, "Thank you for your help, Chip. It means a great deal to me."

I then get up from the castle entrance steps and walk around the corner only to stop in my tracks.

There she was.

Standing in all of her beauty, playing with the birds and feeding them the seeds from our time with snowballs.

Her (H/L) (H/C) hair tucked into her blue winter hood but a few strands were poking out. Her cute nose pink from the cold temperature. Her beautiful (E/C) eyes bright from the sun and joy from within her. Her hands outstretched as a few small, multicolored birds perched on her small fingers.

She looks so perfect.

I snapped out of my gaze when she turns to me with a bright smile. I accidentally stutter out while walking to her, "H-hello, (Y/N)!"

She replies, "Hello, Hobi. What brings you here?"

I can't do this.

"Well, I was about to take a walk around the castle and I just so happened to see you out here so I thought 'Why not ask (Y/N) to come with me?' and I am now awaiting for your answer," I replied. I may have also said it too quickly for her to comprehend.

Her adorable face contorted into an expression of happiness and slight confusion and she let out a laugh. The laugh didn't sound mocking or rude but it did catch me off-guard. Her beautiful laugh was engraved in my memory and causing a wide, wolfy smile to rise.

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