Chapter 11

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~(Y/N) POV~

As we walked into the dining room, the fire was low and the plates were left deserted. I make a confused and frustrated face at the mess the boys made. I walk around RM's chair, grab a few small logs, and make my way to the small fire. Jimin hastily runs towards me and says, "Oh no-no, (Y/N). Y-you don't have t-to do that, I'll d-do it."

I feel bad for ignoring him but I did it anyways. I'm capable of doing it as I've done it ever since I could go into town on my own. I grab one of the metal rods to move the smoldering pieces of wood away. The fire slowly grew when I set down a small log. I smile at the yellow and orange flame dancing on the wood.

I get up with satisfaction on my face and look back to see Jimin looking down, blushing and scratching his neck. "Are you alright, Chimmy?" He then looks up from the ground with his pale face red as an apple.

"C-chimmy??" He mutters out and begins swaying side to side. I realized what he was doing and I rushed to him and grabbed his cold, pale hands. After a few seconds, he shakes his head, as to shake away his blush. He then looks at me, looks down, and his face goes red again.

I let out a giggle and patted his right chubby cheek two times. "You're quite adorable when you are flustered, Chimmy." He then spins around with his hands on his face. I laugh and walk to my original seat. I set my napkins down so I don't make a mess of the beautiful gown.

"S-shall we continue?" Jimin turns around with confusion so I point at his plate of food. He makes an 'O' face and rushes to sit down but I noticed something. Jungkook was sitting in front of me before with Jimin two seats down. Jimin then looks at me and smiles his adorable eye smile and I forget about his seating.

I smile back with a slight blush on my (S/T) cheeks and begin to eat. After a few minutes, Jimin breaks the silence, "S-so (Y/N). What d-do you enjoy doing? Such as activities." I look up with food in my mouth and I continue chewing. I finally swallow and speak.

"Well, I do enjoy a good book and (Your Favorite Activity). I like going on walks through the small forest near the outside of my village." I'm surprised at how much I don't miss my town. Then again, I was left out many times for being different so that's most likely the reason. Jimin shows a small smile, his fangs slightly poking out of his bottom lip.

"N-namjoon hyung and Taehyungie enjoy r-reading too. Hoseok hyung likes w-walking around our gardens. Jungkook likes m-making himself stronger and p-playing chess. Y-yoongi hyung likes to play his mother's piano. H-he's a v-very good pianist." Jimin then picks up a piece of his food and eats it.

I then ask, "What do you enjoy doing, Chimmy?" He then pauses his chewing and swallows. He picks up his napkin and cleans his mouth. He gets up and walks around the table with his hand extended.

"It is best that I show you." My eyes widen slightly as Jimin didn't stutter. He must be very serious or passionate about this. I set my napkins on the table and take his hand in mine. He leads me out of the room and down a long hallway. I look around to see gargoyles and slightly frightening paintings. I don't flinch as I continue to look but my hand clenches around Jimin's hand a little tight.

Jimin looks at me and looks to where my eyes are focused. He looks ahead, looking sad and ashamed. I look at him with another clench of my hand and he looks at me. I show him a small smile to reassure him and he smiles back.

He stops in front of two tall doors and pushes them open. My eyes sparkle as I look around the large but dusty ballroom. On my left is a piano that looks recently played. It must be Yoongi's. I walk towards it but try my best to not touch it. Jimin stands next to me with his focus on me. The dark wood is polished and smooth looking. The white and black keys had no sign of dust or dirt on them.

"What are you two doing in here?"

I jump slightly and turn around to see Yoongi standing in the large doorway. Jimin begins to stutter so I speak for him. "Jimin was just showing me around the castle and we stopped here. No, we did not touch your piano." Yoongi slowly walks up to me and stares me down with a vacant expression.

He moves around me and sits on the bench. I noticed Jimin wasn't next to me but a few feet away with his shoes off. I raise my eyebrow in confusion and he just holds up one pointer finger. I hear the piano keys being played beside me and I see Jimin moving.

There was an absolutely gorgeous sound that was playing from the piano. It seemed to fill the whole room and my ears. I looked at Jimin as he began to move along with the music. It looked very strange but also....entrancing. I couldn't help but stare with my jaw dropping almost to the floor. He looked so beautiful and graceful.

I could tell both of the men were passionate about music. Yoongi looked so focused but relaxed at the same time. Jimin had his eyes closed as his body moved like water. He's doing so many things that I still could not believe.

As the song finished, Jimin was slightly breathing hard but he looked at me with a smile. I smile back and give him and Yoongi a round of applause. "That was incredible!! You both are so talented!" Jimin does a bow and laughs, Yoongi smiles softly and I giggle.

I look at one white key on the piano and look at Yoongi for permission. He just stares at me with furrowed brows so I take it as he doesn't want me to touch it. I look at Jimin and he just shrugs. I hear the doors slam open as Namjoon runs in with angry expressions.

"What in God's name are you doing?!", Namjoon yells out in fury. He marched toward me and I felt fear grow quickly in my body. I put my arms up in defense when Jimin steps in front of him.

"Hyung, it was my fault. I brought her in here. Do not punish her." Namjoon just snarls at Jimin and pushes him aside.

Yoongi pitches in, "Calm yourself, Namjoon. I also joined in." He was off the bench and setting a pale hand on the younger man's shoulder. He walks up to me, anger still present.

"Why didn't you just-" As he was saying that, he grabbed my shoulders roughly and I panicked.

So I slapped him with all of my strength.

The slap echoed in the room, his right cheek turning red and facing the left. I gasp as I realized what I just did. As Namjoon slowly turned his head to look at me, I pushed him away and ran out of the ballroom. Fear rushed through my veins as I grabbed my coat and ran out of the castle, not wanting to deal with the furious werewolf.

As I ran down the steps to get Phillipe, I hear crashing and roars inside the castle. I rush to get on Phillipe and almost fell off. I kicked him to make him gallop out of this dark, corrupted prison.

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