Chapter 23

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~3rd POV~

In the small village, a great thunderstorm had arrived while LeFou and Gaston had made their way to the tavern. On their way, LeFou was having great doubts about Gaston's plan. He was trying to change his mind and rescue Maurice from the tree but Gaston had given him one look and he became silent.

~LeFou POV~

I sigh in defeat as Gaston has yet to change his mind. I say, "It's just that, every time I close my eyes, I picture Maurice stranded alone. And then he.."

I stand in shock as the man Gaston tried to murder was dry, in one piece and alive, in a chair. I smile widely and say, "Maurice!"

The bartender asked in anger, "Gaston, did you try to kill Maurice?"

Oh, please tell me he didn't say I helped.

Maurice looked enraged yet calm on the outside and Gaston exclaimed, "Maurice! Thank Heaven you're all right! I've spent the last five days trying to find you."

I trail behind Gaston in fear. I knew it was a horrible idea, I just wish I could've tried to stop him.

Maurice stands up from his seat and says, "You tried to kill me. You left me to the wolves."

Gaston repeats cluelessly while slowly walking closer to Maurice, "Wolves? It is one thing to rave about your delusions. It's another to accuse me of attempted murder."

Mr. Potts speaks up, "Maurice, do you have any proof that this happened?"

Maurice then turns and points to Agathe. He then says, "Agathe rescued me."

Everyone turned to the village hag and Gaston laughed in return. He walked over to Agathe and I feared what he will do or say now.

He says, "You'd bestow your accusations on the testimony of a filthy hag? No offense, Agathe."

I quietly begin to walk away but stop in my tracks once I hear, "Mr. LeFou. He was there. He saw it all."

I let out a squeaky, "Me?"

Gaston then jumped in while walking to me with a deadly look in his eyes, "Of course! Don't believe me! Lefou, my dearest companion, did I, your most loyal compatriot and oldest friend, attempt to murder the father of the only woman I love?"

I stuttered stupidly, "Well, it's a complicated question with several accounts.."

I feel pain in my shoulders as Gaston grips them, silently telling me to lie.

I could feel myself go pale as I see Maurice mimic me as I say, "No."

Gaston lets go of me and I back away in shame. Why do I let him do this to me? For so long, I idolized this man and wanted to be his trusted partner but I didn't want this to happen. I knew staying with Gaston was a bad idea when he met (Y/N) for the first time.

Am I not good enough? I know (Y/N) is a woman but I know Gaston better than anyone else!

Why can't he see that (Y/N) doesn't like him but I do?!

~3rd POV~

Chatter from the townspeople gathered in the tavern as they were having difficulty believing who is telling the truth. How Maurice had told them, was very specific and held great detail. But with Gaston being adored by nearly everyone in the village, they didn't know what to do.

Maurice was filled with rage as the one man who had been there to see his attempted death had lied to everyone, just to save his idol's back. He raced to Gaston and was prepared to slap him but Gaston caught his wrist before he could get the chance.

Maurice groaned in pain as Gaston gripped tightly and lowered his hand. He says, "Maurice, it gives me great pain to say this but you have become a danger to yourself and all around you. It's no wonder (Y/N) ran away."

Gaston had let go of Maurice's wrist and set both of his hands on the elder man's shoulders. He continued, "You need help, sir. A place to heal your troubled mind."

He turns beside the man to nod to three men with dark looks. He finishes with, "You'll be in great hands."

(A/N: Sadly, this is a short chapter but I've been busy making my Halloween costume as well as balancing schoolwork so please forgive me!! I'm currently working on separate chapters for the boys and having slight difficulty with OT7, sorry!!)

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