Chapter One- Everyone has a story

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"Lori!" I yelled up the stairs as I called out my best friends name.

"Give me a minute!" Lori yelled back as I heard falling from her room. I groaned and walked right on in, she was on the ground pulling her boots on. I rolled my eyes. "I said give me a minute."

"You are helpless." I chuckled and extended my hand to help her up. She took it and gracefully she stood up. I smiled and looked at her outfit. "Wait- you're dressed up- Lori do not tell me-"

"We're going out with the boys!" Lori jumped up excitedly. I rolled my eyes and fell back into her bed mumbling curse words. "C'mon. You n' Shane need to be friends. Rick and I are a thing and the quarterback needs a girlfriend too."

"Shane Walsh is a dick and a whore. I'm not going be nice to the guy who hurt Mary Anne." I huffed and glared at Lori she chuckled and nodded.

"You can be nice, I'm dating his best friend n' as my best friend you have to be nice." Lori got both her boots on and grabbed her keys. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Fine. You owe me." I grabbed my keys and she shook her head. "What?"

"I'm driving." Lori smiled and I huffed.

"Why? So you can force Shane and I to ride together after you and dreamy ride off into the sunset?" I huffed a second time and she grabbed me by the hand and dragged me outside.

"Nope, mom gave me her car." Lori grinned as I looked in awe at the beautiful 1992 Nissan Skyline. I squealed as I drug my finger along the red paint.

"Think mom will ever let me get inside the hood?" I bit my lip and looked at Lori. She laughed and unlocked it.

"I'll let you get under the hood. Mom doesn't have to know. Get in. We're gonna be late." Lori jogged over time the front seat and I jumped a bit as I jogged to passenger. We turned up the stereo as loud as we could without blowing it. We laughed and sung along. Any day with Lori is like a day that I won't forget. Seniors- very popular Seniors. One very in love. One very opposed to love.

"Before we go in can I please pop the hood?" I begged Lori and she nodded laughing. I grinned and jumped out of the car rushing to the driver side looking for the lever. Once I found it I flicked it and looked inside. It was beautiful. "I'll only be a minute, go annoy your boyfriend."

"Don't take too long!" Lori laughed as I leaned into the hood examining everything. My keen interest in vehicles was unusual for a woman but, most things I do are unusual for a woman. I looked at the Engine and how modern it was, this was the newest battery I'd ever seen. The auto shop I work at deals with batteries from no newer than 1990.

"You seem more into that car than me, babygirl." A voice next to me caught my attention. Only in a negative way. I stood straight and pulled the hood down tightly. I looked over, Shane Walsh. He was standing there leaning against a truck with a toothpick in his mouth. I noticed he was chewing something- gum most likely. His shirt tucked into his jeans, and his letterman's jacket hanging off him.

"For once you're correct. Don't call me babygirl." I glared at him and started towards the coffee shop. Shane grabbed my arm and I immediately shook him off. "Don't forget the only reason I'm here is her, not you or your stupid face."

"Really hurt me with that one." Shane put his hands up and then ran one through his hair. I raised an eyebrow and he sighed. "Can we at least pretend to like each other? Rick wants me to get with you in one of those things he thinks he has with Lori."

"A relationship? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Fall in love?" I raised both eyebrows and Shane nodded pointing at me. I scoffed. "Let's address this 'thinks he has' thing."

I Hate Loving You - Shane Walsh x Reader (The Walking Dead FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now