Chapter Twenty-Two- Bites

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Season Four start

I laughed as I watched Patrick try and thank Daryl for bringing a deer back from his hunt. Carol made eye contact with me and I put my hands up in surrender.

"Sounds like someone is a little uncomfortable." Shane's voice caused me to jump. I groaned as I turned around. "In only a few months this place is so much better than it was when we showed up."

"Fire tower, walkers roaming around the yard, it was a dangerous feat just gettin' to the bathroom." I laughed as I kissed him on the lips. I pulled away and chuckled. "Anyway, I'm on fence duty today. Therefore, I'm going to go do that. If you'd like to join me, then let's go get an apron."

"You're just gonna leave me out here like this?" Shane gasped as I started to walk away. I held up my hand and brushed him off.

"Go hang out with someone then if you have such an issue. Go on that run." I chuckled as I turned around and walked backwards. "Sorry." I smiled and grabbed an apron before walking down to the rest of the fence crew. I slid up next to Karen and smiled.

"Hey." She smiled at me as she stabbed a walker in the head. "You and Shane seem to be good."

"If he doesn't prop-" I stabbed a few in the head. "-pose soon, we won't be." We both laughed as we did our work. "You and Tyrese?"

"Yeah." She chuckled and blushed a bit. "It's nothing to serious. He's just, kind of cute."

"I said that too." I laughed as I stabbed more walkers. "We need some kind of distraction. A way to spread them out. This fence just won't hold."

"I agree with that." Karen and I worked in silence until Tyrese came to talk to her. From there forward it was pure silence. Just growling walkers and our grunting. By the time the group got back we'd each taken out about fifty maybe sixty walkers, they were still coming. We finally traded out with other members of the group. I went up to find Shane. They'd gotten back about twenty minutes before I'd left the fence. I found my way through cell block C and to Shane and I's makeshift bedroom.

"Hey, how was the run?" I rocked on my toes and saw Shane with his head in his hands.

"Zach, he- he didn't make it." Shane sighed as he looked up at me. My heart sank and I walked right to him and hugged him.

"Oh baby." I let him sob into my chest. We laid back on the bed and held each other.

"It should've been me." Shane whispered as he clung onto me. "He was just a kid, Y/n." He kept whispering the same two phrases over and over while I hushed him. He fell asleep on my chest and I smiled as I did too.


I woke up to screaming down the hall then gunfire. I shot out of bed and grabbed my gun. Shane got up too. He pushed me back into the room.

"Stay it'-" Before Shane could finish talking I pushed past him to the cell block. I saw a violating scene of people running and ones we knew eating others. I fired a shot into one I killed one last walker as everyone stopped. No one was left. I looked around at the bodies on the ground people I knew. I felt a tear fall down my face, my heart was hurting know that these people were my friends. Family. I stabbed the bit, dead people in the head. I didn't stop until I knew they were all dead. I walked up the stairs before the rest and into the first cell I saw. My eyes made contact with Patrick. I paused. Hesitated. His eyes were glossed over. Face stained with blood and it was coming out of his mouth. I felt my heart drop.

"Patrick?" I sobbed and stepped back as he looked up at me. My gun was pointed up and I couldn't do it. I felt him grab at me. The next thing I knew there was pain shooting through my hand. "Fuck!" I screamed and Just pulled the trigger. I stumbled out of the cell and grabbed my knife. I looked at my hand to see the tops two of my fingers missing. I walked to Glenn and took his axe from him setting my hand down I chopped at the base of my fingers. I felt them come off as I dropped the axe. I felt dizzy and light headed. I pushed my nubs into my stomach.

"Y/n!" Daryl's voice came from in front of me. I smiled up at him and chuckled. "What the hell happened?"

"Patrick bit my fingers off and I had no other choice." I grinned and fell backwards with my eyes closing.


I opened my eyes and looked at my hand. I was in bed with Shane pacing around.

"Wow, some nice bandaging. Who did it? Hershel right? Figures." I chuckled as I waved my bandages up at Shane. He laughed with a worried look. He sat next to me with a sigh. I took the account of the two missing fingers, my middle and ring on my right hand.

"At least it wasn't your left." Shane smiled as he took my hands. "I can still marry you."

"Even if it was my left, I'd marry you." I chuckled as I kissed him. "Now, what's the verdict?"

"The sick is quarantined in A block. Daryl's going on a run to the Vet hospital. The board wants everyone to," Shane coughed and I jumped away from him. "Y/n, when have you known me to get sick."

"Doesn't matter get away from me." I pulled my shirt up my shirt over my nose. Shane groaned and threw his hands up. "Go quarantine and get better. I want me husband healthy for the wedding. Not dead."

"Fine!" Shane groaned and walked to the door and sighed. "I love you." He coughed again and I threw my hands up with a nod.

"Go." I watched as he left. I sighed and followed the direction he went except I went outside instead. I found Daryl. I'd heard about Glenn snd Doctor S. Being quarantined too. "Look at my fancy new wound."

"You're okay." Daryl smiled and looked at my hand. "What do you need?"

"Let me come on the run, Shane just went to A block. He's coughing and I don't trust that it's 'just a cough'." I grinned as Daryl shook his head.

"No, with your hand like that. You're not coming." Daryl shook his head and I shrugged.

"Sucks for you then. I'm coming." I shrugged. "I can still fire a gun. Plus I might be able to find something for my hand. Something smaller, not as bulky."

"Y/n, I can do that. I don't want you to get hurt." Daryl sighed as Michonne came walking up to us.

"You coming to?" She looked at me and before I could speak Daryl did.

"No. Not with her hand like that." Daryl glared at me and I groaned.

"Yes I am. I'm all the help you got. What you gonna do, enlist Glenn? Shane? Rick? Hell, why not Carl? Oh yeah, Glenn and Shane are sick. Rick's staying here because he's taking his break from being the leader. Carl's just a kid. Who the hell else you got? You can take Michonne, Bob, and who else?" I pushed my finger into Daryl's chest.

"Tyrese. He'll come." Bob looked at me and I shrugged. "Extra person to cover us too."

"Thank you. Bob gets it. I'm not a kid. I'm coming with." I huffed and shook my head. "I'm going to go get my shit, got it Dixon?"

"Fine." Daryl huffed and walked away. I smiled in victory. I turned around and gave Michonne a sharp high-five as I walked inside the prison again.

I Hate Loving You - Shane Walsh x Reader (The Walking Dead FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now