Chapter Twenty-Six- The Church

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Everyone walked like a group of badasses. As crazy as it sounds, we did. Rick lead us then Glenn and Maggie to the right, Daryl and Michonne to the left, Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene behind them, Sasha and Bob flirting on one side and then Shane and I, basically dancing along in the back. When I'd mentioned that to Shane he laughed. We walked and walked as far as we could. After days we finally heard someone screaming for help. So, naturally we followed the sound. Four walkers were surrounding a rock with a man on it, a priest. We killed the man and I didn't catch anything but, the man's name. Gabriel, Gabe.

"You got any weapons?" Rick asserted himself to him already. We all looked at him and kept a tough look.

"Do I look like I have any weapons?" Gabriel looked at us like we were crazy.

"I don't care what it looks like. Do you or do you not?" I rolled my eyes while hitting back. I held Shane's hand, he was glaring right at him. Daryl had his crossbow ready to shoot Gabe. I reached my hand up and lowered it. He was obviously intimidating him, Daryl nodded at me and looked at me. I shot him a smile.

"I have no weapons of any kind. The word of God is the only protection I need." Gabe announced like some guy who goes porch to porch looking for joiners for his church. I let out a small laugh and cover my mouth. Daryl nudged me and I shrugged.

"Sure didn't look like it." Daryl shot me a look then looked back at the priest. Shane held back a laugh causing me to nudge him.

"I called for help. Help came." Gabe looked around at everyone. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop from laughing. "Do- do you have any food? Whatever I had left- it just hit the ground."

"We've got some pecans." Carl held out a hand with some pecans in it while Rick glared at the guy. The difference between Rick and Carl's personalities was huge. Humorous mostly.

"Thank you." Gabe took the nuts. Judith cooed and I looked over at her and Tyrese. I wanted one. "That's a beautiful child." Silence filled the air. "Do you have a camp?"

"No, do you?" Rick shot back at as soon as Gabe finished speaking. I kept a hand on my gun just in case.

"I have a church." Gabe was nervous. We all could see it. I watched as he sweat under pressure.

"Hold your hands above your head." Rick ordered. Gabe followed. Rick patted him down to look for weapons or something dangerous. "How many walkers have you killed?"

"None. Actually." Gabe stuttered.

"Turn around. How many people have you killed?" Rick continued the pat down.

"None." Gabe looked confused as he lowered his hands and looked at us.

"Why?" Rick stares into his eyes. I didn't feel right. Something in Gabe's voice unsettled me. The way he answered so quickly.

"The Lord abhors violence." Gabe started to look sweaty and uncomfortable.

"What have you done? We've all done something." Rick stared at him with an intimidating look.

"I'm a sinner. I sim almost everyday. But those sins, I confess them to god. Not strangers." Gabriel looked at us with a head held look. I chuckled shaking my head. The next thing I knew I was standing. In a church with Shane, while he spun me around. I stopped him and looked into his eyes.

"Think the priest would mind marrying us?" I wrapped my arms around Shane's neck. Shane smiled and chuckled.

"No, but..." Shane kissed me then nodded. "We haven't fought in a while."

"Physically?" I chuckled and let go of Shane. He let go of me. I grinned at him then quickly sprinted away. Shane laughed and chased after me. I can flying right out of the church doors, I jumped off the steps and looked behind me to see Shane in awe.

I Hate Loving You - Shane Walsh x Reader (The Walking Dead FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now