Chapter Twenty-Seven- What is it?

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"Fuck." I wiped my mouth after I lurched over the side of the railing. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and wiped my eyes. Gareth and his gang of cannibals were killed. We'd thrown the bodies out to be burnt in the morning. I couldn't sleep, Shane had tried to talk to me but, I was pissed. I sat on the steps with Michonne. She looked at me and motioned for me to explain. "What the shit with Shane?"

"Yes." Michonne chuckled as she nudged me.

"Before we were like this we hated each other. Though high school, most of my adult life, but I never really hated him. I loved him. I love him. When this all started we had a camp right outside of Atlanta. He slept with Rick's wife before we knew Rick was alive. I was fine with it until- until I wasn't. We kept arguing. He wanted to protect me and make all the decisions. Shane, well, he kept us all safe. I never doubted his abilities. I trusted him, I still do. It's just- it's that he doesn't let me go into situations I'll be just fine in. I respect that, but here I am. Angry at him for what? Telling me I'm too damn drunk to kill a bunch of guys?" I scoffed at my own words. I sighed as I popped my knuckles. Michonne couldn't stop smiling. I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"He's in love with you. Hell, he's not just in love with you. He's so far in love that it's almost impossible to pull him out of it. He's been there since high school, he never left. Why? It's not because of Rick. I can tell you that." Michonne smiled at me. I shrugged and took out my ponytail.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I know he loves me, but I have my doubts." Michonne glared at me. "What?"

"You- He loves you. He's always watching you even when you aren't next to him. I barley mention you and he's talking about how wonderful you are. I promise you, he just wants to protect you." Michonne reassured me. I smiled. We heard the bushes move and Michonne stood up. "Go inside. You're hungover."

"Yes ma'am. Come in when you're done." I went inside and laid down next to Shane who was clearly wide awake. I laid on his chest without hesitation. Shane pulled me as close as he could.

"Remember the first time I said I love you?" Shawn whispered. I thought back to that day on the farm.

"Now, you're going to listen to me and you're going to listen to me good. Okay?" Shane looked at me and I nodded. "Good. Now, when I tell you something you're going to listen. I get it, you still look at me as an enemy or whatever. I don't care. I love you. Simple. So, you're going to listen to me. I just want what's best for you."

"Say that again." I pulled myself up into a sitting position and patted the seat. He sat down next to me and shrugged.

"I just wan-"

"Not that. The other thing."

"You're going to-"

"For fucks- the love thing."

"I love you."

"Say that one more time."

"I love you. Why-" Shane started talking but, I interrupted him by putting a finger to his lips.

"I never thought I'd hear you say that." I looked at him. "I want you to only say that."

I chuckled as I looked up at Shane. He was looking at the celling. I lifted myself up for us to be eye level. I looked into his shadowy face and smiled.

"I never thought I'd hear you say that." I whispered.

"I never thought I'd say it."

"Say it again."

"I love you."

"You're damn lucky I love you too." I leaned down and kissed Shane. His hands grabbed onto me and flipped us. I was laying on my back with my hands on his chest. Shane, Shane Walsh never let me forget how much he loves me.


The next morning I woke up to Shane yelling at Rick. I quickly got up and jogged over.

"No! We just need to go!" Shane groaned and looked at me. I smiled groggily as I walked over. "Y/n, you think we need to get to DC right?"

"Yes, but Beth, Carol, and Daryl are priority one. From what I gathered last night Abraham is taking off with Maggie and Glenn as soon as they can." I sighed at Shane.

"We need to wait." Rick was trying to put Shane in his place just like back at the farm. "Carol and Beth are still out there. Daryl and that kid know where at too."

"Wait, Daryl's back with some kid?" I stumbled on the words as I looked between the two. "So no one thought to tell me Daryl's back? Where is he?"

"In the back room." Shane nodded and I huffed. I walked back inside and to the back room. I saw Daryl coming out of it, prompting me to cross my arms and huff.

"Thanks for letting me know you're back." I tapped my foot. Daryl rolled his eyes and walked up to me.

"Did someone inform you about the kid?" Daryl leaned on the podium. I scrunched my nose.

"Shane mentioned 'some kid.' Figured you have an explanation." I uncrossed my arms and took a deep breath.

"He knows where Beth and Carol are." Daryl smiled weakly at me. I nodded and pulled him into a hug.

"They're okay." I smiled as he hugged me back. I could tell he was upset, very upset.


I dug my foot into the dirt and held up my fists. Abraham decided he wanted to spar, so here I am. My left arm above my head to block and my right ready to hit.

"You wouldn't hit a girl would you." I smirked as I popped my neck by moving it around. Abraham was watching me closely, every slight movement I made he watched. I squared him up. Abraham's left hand twitched as I watched his right tense. He went to swing and I ducked. I quick stopped forward and lunged all my weight forward towards his waist before he finished his swing. I brought him to the ground causing him to laugh out. I rolled off him and stood up.

"You're a lot stronger than you look." Abraham smiled up at me as he took my extended hand. I pulled him up while Shane watched in awe. "Lets go again."

"Again? Alright, your demise." I smiled and stepped back. I dug my back heel into the ground. Abraham watched me. This time I decided to fake a left hook and bring my leg up to his stomach. Abraham stumbled back. He stepped forward and dodged my right swing, he quickly hit me with his left. I wiggled my jaw where he hit me and popped my fist as I swung right towards his blocking arm, when he went to block I grabbed his wrist and wrapped my arm around it. Abraham looked at me confused.

"What are you-" I cut him off as I dropped all my body weight to the ground. Abraham got the ground with a thud. I let go and rolled onto my back. Abraham was just stunned. I looked up at the sky with a smile.

"My nose is bleeding." I chuckled as I felt the blood falling down my face. I threw myself off the ground to see Shane talking to Rick. When Rick looked over he was quite confused on why Abraham and I both looked beat up.

"I'm not asking." Rick shook his head as I laughed. Abraham chuckled and looked at the bus.

"We're heading out soon. You two coming with?" Abraham looked between Shane and I. I looked back at Shane and took a minute.

"I should come," I paused and looked back at Abraham. "I-"

"You have to stay here for Shane. He would want to stay." Abraham smiled at me. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him. You worry about this bus." I smiled and patted Abraham's shoulder right before turning on my heel and walking towards Shane. Shane was looking at me with a smile. He opened his arms and I hugged him. My hand and face was all bloody from the short fight with Abraham. I smiled into his chest as I thought about leaving with Abraham to D.C.

I Hate Loving You - Shane Walsh x Reader (The Walking Dead FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now