Chapter Twenty-Eight- Fire Truck

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⚠️TW attempted suicide⚠️

"Shane what's there right here for us?" I gestured around us. He ran a hand through his hair and groaned.

"Y/n! No!" Shane yelled at me. I kicked the bench. "Look at your hand. That happened in the prison where we thought it was safe! It's not safe out there!"

"Maybe there's a chance we can just save the world!" I yelled back at him. "We go with Abraham and we save the world."

"You are spending an awful lot of time with Abraham." Shane's words burned into me.

"What are you saying?" I clicked my tongue to pull myself into a calmer headspace.

"I'm saying that you like him. That you want to go with him so it's easier to sleep with him." Shane sneered. I gasped in anger.

"Take that back." I spat my words as Shane and I stood face to face only inches apart.

"Go on! Go be with him! Your knight in shining armor!" Shane leaned down to yell in my face. "Go fuck him! See if I care! I would have left you for any-single-one of those girls before you. Lori, Mary-Anne, anyone! I'll find someone better than you!"

"You asshole!" I slapped him and walked away. Fuck him. Fuck Shane.

I popped my knuckles looking out the window. I couldn't stop replying what Shane had said the night before. I'll find someone better than you. The words stung. I felt the bus shake and I stood up and looked forward. My body fell left, right, left then it sprung backwards into a seat. Suddenly it was laying on its side and I was half awake.

I watched the bridge get higher and higher. My hair was in my face. I'd actually done it. I'd thrown myself off the bridge. I hit the water and inhaled more of it than was safe. I kept falling deeper and deeper. The light reflected on the water was beautiful as I kept sinking.

"Eugene! Eugene!" Abraham.

"Eugene, are you okay?" Rosita.

"Y/n! Y/n! C'mon!" My name was being yelled and I wasn't quite sure what happening. Suddenly, I was pulled up and the light was so bright I wasn't sure what to do. I felt something grab me and I swung my fist at it. Then it all sunk in. Walkers had surrounded us. I suddenly found myself hitting one, stabbing another, surrounded. Lost in a sea of walkers as I took on multiple at a time. I didn't stop until they were all on the ground and I was covered in blood. I chuckled a bit as I pulled myself up. I looked back at the bus and scratched my head.

"Well shit." I looked at the burning bus as everyone figured out what they were doing. I popped my knuckles and checked the bodies made sure they were all dead.

"Y/n, you coming?" Rosita called out. Her voice drew my attention. I smiled and stood up jogging towards her with nothing but, my gun and knife. We were a mess, all of us.

I felt light, at peace. The moments that I'd actually cared about fluttered through my mind. Then darkness. I wasn't sure why thinks were dark for so long, but it was a never ending loop of darkness. I couldn't see my hands, let along my feet. Just- Just darkness.

I leaned back on the wall as I waited for the sun to rise. I could faintly hear Rosita and Abraham going at it. We'd found a library to hold up over night. I was supposed to go to sleep along with Eugene, Tara, and Maggie. I knew none of us could sleep. My mind was blank. Everyone could tell.


Shane's POV

I watched the bus pull away and regretting every word. I told her to go. I ended it. I didn't expect Y/n not to be angry or to even not sleep with Abraham. If she died I'd live the rest of my life knowing I left everything unsaid.

"Fuck." I whispered as I ran a hand through my hair. Rick looked at me and sighed.

"You should've gone." Rick nodded at me and walked inside. Giving Carl the opportunity to walk up to me.

"Shane?" His voice was off.

"Yeah?" I looked down at him. Carl sighed and nodded.

"You hurt her. Y/n didn't deserve that." Carl shook his head before he cleared his throat. "Back at the farm, Y/n said she wouldn't go anywhere without you. She refused to leave with us regardless of circumstance. Now look at her, she wanted to leave. Shane, I don't know what you did but, she's not coming back this time." Carl looked at me before walking away. I was stunned. Did she really stay waiting for me? Oh god what have I done?


Y/n's POV

I popped my knuckles and clicked my tongue. Are they done yet? I picked through the books as I listened to the group decide on what to do next. I figured I'd at least find a decent book to read on the way to D.C. hopefully I'd end up somewhere quiet away from people. I found a few good books and put them in my bag. If I had to ditch them later it wouldn't be a big deal.

"Y/n, you ready?" Maggie called. I smiled and nodded as I threw my bag over my shoulder. I rolled it a bit, after we crashed it'd been hurting a bit. I walked out towards a fire truck with the group. I looked around to make sure nothing was heading our way. Abraham started the truck and I smiled bright knowing we were finally going to get away from here.

"'Bout time things started going our way!" Abraham called over the engine. We all cheered quietly as he pulled forward. About ten feet later it died. I groaned and looked around. My hand hovered over my gun. Something hit my stomach hard, I didn't feel right. I turned around to see a tire rolling across the street from where we'd moved the fire truck. I pulled out my gun and got ready. I heard falling tires then the door swung open. Walkers. I hit the end of my gun on one's head then stabbed another. There's too many. About fifteen seconds later water splashed on me causing me to jump.

"Oh shit!" I shivered at the cold. I stepped back and felt two hands grab my waist. Abraham. I smiled at him as we both were covered in water and blood. I saw a heavy stream of water take out all the walkers. I laughed.

"I've been to eight county fairs and one goat rodeo, I never seen anything like that." Abraham chuckled as he slowly let go of me. I looked down at my gun and shook the water and blood off it.

"You know there's a goodwill over there by the book store. It's pretty blown up but, there might be some supplies, some dry clothes maybe." Glenn called. Abraham shook everyone off as he walked to the back of the fire truck and climbed up top. I run out my shirt and ran a hand through my hair.

"Not nessasary. I can clear that intake in two shakes. Then the engine can get some wind, so will we. You'll air dry. We roll on." Abraham called out, he looked at us from the room of the fire truck and began laughing. I ignored him and climbed inside the truck looked at the nice clean interior.


Authors note ;

Hey guys and gals and they/them pals!

I don't think I've talked to y'all yet! I just wanted to say Hi! So, Hi! I want to thank all of you for the reads, votes, and comments. It makes my day every time I read it. Now, before I get any comments or DMs saying "this is supposed to be about Shane and Y/n!" It still is, as things progress you'll see how! I'm excited to see how this goes and your reactions. Remember, you can always get ahold of me on Snapchat or Instagram if there is a certain fan fiction you'd like or a way you'd like to see the story go. (In my bio) Anyway, go forth and read my children!

I Hate Loving You - Shane Walsh x Reader (The Walking Dead FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now