Chapter Thirteen- Rewritting our feelings

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Shane left me standing in the woods looking at the note. Reading it over and over again. He left, I'd looked up and said no. That's all I said. Finally, he went with Andrea to a town pretty far away to check a lead for Sophia. When they came back, my eyes connected with Shane's he'd slept with her. It was as clear as day. Andrea's eyes hit me and she looked at me like she'd won a prize. I stayed away from them both, she'd basically laid down an eternal claim on him from that moment. Glenn filled us in on the barn situation, I knew I didn't take it well. When I looked towards Shane he didn't look at me twice. While Andrea held her head high and would smirk around like nothing happened. I kept it down as long as I could, then I flew.

"Glenn! Where's the guns?" I called up to Glenn as he stood on top of the RV. He shrugged and I knew Dale had taken them. "Where's Dale?"

"I don't know- he asked me to get him water. He was gone when I got back." Glenn looked at me concerned. I looked around and spotted Dale going into the woods in the distance. I shook my head and chuckled. "Y/n- whats- hey!" Before Glenn could finish speaking I went jogging off in that direction. I followed Dale into the swamps where he'd put the guns in a plastic bag and brought a hammer and nails with him.

"Smart move. Swamps. We don't come out here much." I smiled and tapped my foot. Dale looked at me in shock.

"You- Y/n. Why- you-" Dale stuttered as he tried to move quicker. I walked down the side of the hill about twenty feet from Dale.

"Give me the bag Dale." I was trying to stay calm, but we both knew how this would end.

"I'm not gonna do that." Dale looked at me over his shoulder and kept firm eye contact. "I won't lie. I expected Shane."

"Yeah you are. Dale. Just give me the guns and mother of us are gonna get hurt." I rolled my head back slightly and stared blankly at Dale. "Unless, well- you do have that rifle over your shoulder."

"What? Are you going to shoot me? Tell a story like your boyfriend." Dale was firing shots he thought I couldn't handle. I chuckled and held my tongue between my teeth.

"No. When you really look at it, the cold light of day- you're basically dead already." I licked my lips and dropped my face. "Give me the guns, do it now."

"You think this is gonna keep us safe?" Dale paused to hear my 'mmhm'. "Rick is trying to get Hershel to let-"

"Dale shut up. Just shut up. Give me the guns." I was purely annoyed now. Dale leaned the bag against the tree and aimed the rifle at me.

"Am I gonna have to shoot you? Do I have to kill you- is that what is gonna take?" Dale was more afraid than I was. Killing someone would break him. I knew it. I took a step forward I took them until it was level with my head.

"Yeah, that's exactly what is gonna take." I kept eye contact with Dale and he dropped the gun. I could see the fear lining his eyes, but I didn't hesitate for a second.

"This is where you belong. This world, what it is now. This is where you belong." Dale's words were crass and shaken. He grabbed the guns and handed them to me. "I may not have what it takes to last for long, but that's okay. 'Cause at least I can say when the world goes to shit I didn't let it take me down with it."

"Fair enough." I scrunched my nose and walked away. I made my way back to camp with the gun bag slung over my back I saw Shane in the camp. He came right up to me to figure out what was going on.

"What are you doing?" Shane tried to slow me down but, I didn't stop moving.

"What you couldn't." I shook my head and walked faster towards the porch. I made eye contact with Daryl who strolled right up to us.

I Hate Loving You - Shane Walsh x Reader (The Walking Dead FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now