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Hi! Author here. My name's Pizza and I really wanted to try writing one of these.

Some things to keep in mind I changed a bit (okay maybe more) for this story so:

1. The Avengers (Yes, even Tony) have NO IDEA who Spider-Man is.

2. Due to IW and Endgame, I decided that some stuff stayed the same, but it only took a month to get everyone back.

3. Peter was the one who did the Snap™ in the end.

4. Peter managed to bring back ALL of Asgard, yes even Loki. (besides Odin and Frigga)

5. He also brought back Natasha/Gamora.

6. With the whole Ships, I personally don't think Peter doesn't need a Romantic Interest so unless you guys want a Second Book, he's single.

7. Little things about Peter:

a) He was born in HYDRA.

b) HYDRA gave him his Spider Powers.

c) He was raised there until he was rescued by his 'parents' (the Parkers) when he was 6.

d) He was raised by his 'Aunt' May and 'Uncle' Ben Parker.

e) Ben died when Peter was 13. (Same way as always)

f) Peter fought against the Rouges when he was 14, earning a new suit from Tony. (He was able to keep his face hidden.)

g) May Parker died when he was 15 from a tragic chemical explosion in the hospital.

h) He lives in an Orphanage that is ACTUALLY REALLY NICE.

i) MJ and Ned know that Peter is Spider-Man.

j) Ned and Peter (being the Hacking Gods they are) created Karen, Peter's AI.

k) He got scars from the Snap™

8. Pietro never died.

9. Steve didn't leave Tony behind, but the two still fought.

10. The Accords were ratified and made completely fair. (As in the heroes could do whatever but had to live in The Avengers/Stark Tower. They were also held accountable and had to pay the majority of the damage/medical fees. Spider-Man signed and fixed the majority of the Accords, but asked to remain Unknown to the World, including The Avengers.)

11. The Compound is under construction.

I hope you enjoy the story!

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now