3. Mr. Sketch

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Hi guys! Quick A/N! This is still a WIP (Work In Progress) so any feedback is appreciated! I also am a multi-shipper so things change. For this story, I made Steve Rogers and Tony Stark a couple. I'm sorry if you don't like that, but I really feel like if things went the way my 'edits' did, I feel like the 2 could truly have a healthy relationship. I do hope you stick around for this story as well. Also, any fanart is NOT mine unless stated so. Bye for now and thank you all so much for reading! 🖤

With Tony:

It had been about 2 weeks since meeting Hacker and he really enjoyed talking with him. They learned that they both loved inventing new, weird things, and enjoyed minimal social contact. They learned basic things about each other, like their favorite colors, foods, and some music tastes. The man had taught the boy about a few different bands and how to tell the difference between them. They also ended up making a playlist for the two to share. Thankfully, their Spotify names didn't give anything away.


Hey, Mr. BatteryPack.

I need some help.


What's up, Kid?


I need help with an essay.

It's on WW2.



Hated that part of school.



Think you could help?

Mr. Battery Pack

Not really.

I have a friend who may be able to help though.



Thank you, Mr. BatteryPack!

Mr. Battery Pack

No problem, Kid. Lemme talk to him.



Tony walked out of his lab. The building was weird, but long story short, all of the Avengers lived on the same floor. Tony's lab was also on the same floor. He opened the lab doors to the living room/kitchen and walked to Steve's room.

"Hey, Stevie?"

Steve had been sitting in bed, criss-cross, reading. The blonde looked up from his book.

"Oh, Hey, Tones. You alright?"

"Yeah, Why wouldn't I be?"

Steve gave him a sympathetic look.

"No reason..."

Tony sat down next to him.

"No, what's on your mind?"

Steve sighed.

"The past 2 weeks, you've been seeming a lot happier. And that's a good thing! But it's always when you're on your phone..."

Tony's eyes went wide.

"No, no, no. Steve! I actually wanted to talk to you about that! I got a wrong number text and we just kept talking! I haven't run a background check on him, but he's cool! I promise, nothing's gonna change between us. Besides, he's just a kid who needed a friend. I guess I needed one too... One that was outside of the Avengers..."

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now