4. Overload

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'This means they are talking in ASL'

With Peter:

Yes, Peter always kept his mouth shut and always did what he was told, but today he didn't care. His fuse was short and he could cuss out just about anyone and feel no regret. His senses were also worse than usual, leaving him nearly blind. Thankfully, the teachers didn't care about him wearing sunglasses and earbuds. He was one of the best students and if he was having an off day, that was okay. MJ could see this and made sure to keep everyone away from him, even a few teachers. Peter nearly slept through lunch and study hall, MJ glaring at anyone who would try to wake him up. At the end of the day, Peter rushed out of class and had to hold back the urge to run on the ceiling to get his stuff faster. He grabbed his stuff and slammed his locker shut, bolting back to the orphanage. He ran directly upstairs, shutting the door and climbing his bunk bed and hiding under his blanket and pillow. He didn't move till 9 pm when Ms. Diaz knocked lightly on the door.


The boy groaned and slowly sat up as the door opened.

"Oh, dear. Are you alright?"

Her voice was quieter than usual, but Peter still winced at the noise. The woman took notice of this and gave him a sad smile.

'Bad day?'

He slowly nodded his head.

'Why don't you skip tonight? It'll make you feel better.'

Peter cocked his head to the side.

'What do you mean by skip tonight?'

'I know you're Spider-Man.'

Peter's eyes went wide.

'I won't tell anyone. Just promise to stay safe. And not to go out tonight. Even Spider-Man has to take a break and get back to 100.'

The boy beamed and slowly got off the bed, climbing down to the ground. He walked towards Ms. Diaz and pulled her into a soft hug.

"Thank you..."

The woman smiled and made her voice extra quiet.

"Of course, Pete."

They let go and the woman smiled.

'Remember to get something to eat and to turn down your phone brightness, okay?'

'Of course, Ms. Diaz.'

She gently kissed the top of the boy's head and walked out, gently shutting the door. Peter smiled and jumped back in bed, retreating back to his hiding place. His phone buzzed and he groaned, shooting a web at it and pulling it towards him. He hit the power button and saw a text.

Mr. BatteryPack

Hey, You okay, Hacker?


Yeah, I'm okay. My senses go haywire sometimes.

Sorry for not telling you.

Mr. BatteryPack

It's alright, Kid.

Just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Anything I can do to help?


Not much you can really do to help.

You said you work at SI, right?

Mr. BatteryPack

Yeah, why?


Could you make a headset

Or special glasses

Or a mask of some sort

That helps people with dialed up senses?

Mr. BatteryPack

That's actually a good idea.

First one I make, I'll send it to you.



Thanks, Mr. BatteryPack.

I appreciate it.

I can help make tweaks and draw up some designs if you want.

Mr. BatteryPack

I'd love that, Kid.

I'm gonna start planning.

Get some sleep, Hacker.

Don't want you to be in pain.


Thanks, Mr. BatteryPack.

And I'll try.


Mr. BatteryPack

Night, Kid.

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