19. First Day

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With Peter:

Peter's school day was fast. He barely remembered all of it. He remembered 'telling' MJ and Ned about the Internship and they were excited for him. Ned also managed to get MJ to help them build the Disney Castle that has 4,000 pieces. They were going to do it at MJ's house, seeing as the final product was going to be for MJ's little sister, Mia. The 3 were excited about the Castle, seeing as they would be able to build it in around a week. It soon became the end of the day and Peter was at his locker. His spidey sense went off, but he didn't move, knowing who it was.

    "What the hell are you doing, Parker?"

Peter rolled his eyes and turned, shutting his locker, trying to move past the nuisance in his way. He kept his head down. The bully, clearly being annoyed, punched Peter in the stomach. Peter groaned and slid back against the lockers. The groups of boys laughed. Typically, Peter could handle it, but today he was so excited for the Internship, he had forgotten not only his breakfast but lunch as well. MJ had given him an apple and Ned gave him chips at lunch to help, but his fast metabolism caught up.

    "Stupid Parker. Can't even talk!"

Flash and his gang taunted him, throwing punches and kicks, till they were satisfied. When they finally left, Peter slowly got up and went to look in one of the bathroom mirrors. Thankfully, there were no physical marks on his face or neck to reveal what had happened. He studied himself in the mirror. His long grey t-shirt was hiding under his black winter jacket. His blue jeans had ripped at the knee and his hair was a mess. He ran a hand through his messy waves and took a deep breath. He smiled to himself. Everything is going to be okay. Was it a lie? He didn't know at this point, but it helped. He straightened his posture and walked to Stark Tower. When he got there, he couldn't help but realize how tall it was. He took a deep breath and walked in, taking in everything. He quickly spotted the front desk and walked up. The woman working there was young. She had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked up and smiled at Peter.

    "Hi! I'm Emma. Do you have an appointment?"

Peter had to calm his shaking hands to sign back a response.

    'Hi, Emma. I'm Peter Parker. Ms. Potts called me saying I got an internship.'

Emma nodded her head and checked her computer.

    "Peter... Parker... Aha! Found it! Give me a moment."

She looked through a few drawers and pulled out a lanyard with a badge on it. It was red and gold and had the number '10' on it.

    "This is your badge. Anytime you're here, you have to walk through the scanner with it. The scanner is down right now, but Ms. Potts said that she assigned someone to lead you up to Mr. Stark's lab."

    'Thank you, Emma.'

She smiled at him.

    "No problem, Peter. Oh! There he is."

A man walked up to the two. He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans.

    "Hey, your Tony's Personal Intern, right? Peter Parker?"

The boy nodded his head and smiled.

    'Yep! That's me!'

The man smiled.

    "Great! I'll take you up to Tony. Follow me, Peter. See ya, Emma!"

The man waved goodbye to Emma and the two males found themselves in the elevator.

    "FRIDAY, Take us to Tony's lab."

    "Alright, Mr. Barton."

Peter's eyes went wide.

    'You're Hawkeye.'

They were standing next to each other, but Clint could still see what the boy was saying. He smiled

    'Yes, I am.'

    'Is it true you're deaf and have to use hearing aids?'


    'That's cool! A few kids I know are inspired by you because you have a disability, but are still a hero!'

Clint's smile grew.

    'Really? That's nice to know. So, you ready for your first day?'

Peter nodded his head.

    'Yeah, just nervous.'

    'If it makes you feel any better, Tony started learning more ASL to understand you.'

Peter smiled at that.


    'Really. Oh, I nearly forgot. Tony's lab is on the Avenger's Floor, so you have to walk through the common area to get to it. Sometimes it's empty, sometimes it's full.'

    'Oh. Alright.'

The elevator stopped and the two walked into an empty common area. Clint led him to the doors of Tony's lab and opened the door. Music was blaring and everything was loud. Peter tried not to wince.


The music turned down and Tony Stark came into view. He smiled at the two and almost chuckled at Peter's star-struck gaze.

    "Hey, Peter right?"

He nodded his head and his smile grew. Clint and Tony were thinking the same thing. He's adorable. Tony leaned against the table.

    "Well. I'm Tony and this is my lab. I was just about to sketch a few blueprints for a new arm for Bucky. Wanna help?"

Peter nodded his head, a huge grin forming.

    "Oh, right. I still need to clean off your workstation, but your stuff can go on here for now."

Peter nodded his head and set his stuff down.

    "Well, I think my job is done. See ya later, Tony! Bye, Peter!"

The two waved goodbye and went to work. 6 hours later, they have a new arm design, upgraded Widow Bites, 5 new arrow upgrades, and new coding and defenses to add to Red Wing. Peter enjoyed his time with Tony, the two sitting in almost absolute silence, with the occasional tapping from Peter or talking from Tony. Peter mostly wrote everything in an empty notebook to talk to his boss, but they still enjoyed each other's presence. Peter looked at the time and tapped on the desk, catching Tony's attention.

-It's 9 pm. I should probably get home.-

Tony smiled.

    "I mean, you don't have to. You could stay here for the weekend. I had Pepper call and ask if it was okay and Ms. Diaz said she was fine with it. Peter beamed.

    -Really!? Thank you, Mr. Stark!-

The man laughed.

    "It's Tony, Kid. And it's no problem. I'm pretty sure Nat ordered Pizza for dinner. You have a favorite type?"

Peter shook his head and Tony smiled.

    "Well, that's good. Yet again, we all like different things. I'm pretty sure Loki and Thor prefer something really weird. I can't remember. Oh, yeah! They got here this morning! They went to explore New York for a bit and should be back by now! I can introduce you to everyone."

Peter's eyes went wide.

    -Really!? I'd love to! Are you sure though?-

Tony grinned.


Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now