16. Hacker Is Now Bambi

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With Tony:

They all said bye and Tony looked at Pepper.

    "FRIDAY, trace the number."

    "Of course, Boss."

They all were acting like excited kids.

    "Boss... I found him."

    "Pull up his files and read 'em off, baby girl."

The files pulled showed on the TV screen and they watched.

    "Peter N Parker; Age: 16; School: Midtown High; Grades: All A's; GPA 3.935. Adoptive Parents: May and Richard Parker. Status: Deceased. Relatives: May and Ben Parker: Status Deceased. Currently resides at 116 Bow Street, Queens, New York. Authorized Guardian: Zena Diaz; An Orphanage Runner."

They were all kinda shocked. He doesn't know his birth parents? Tony sat back and looked at the picture of Peter. He had brown hair and chocolate eyes that immediately reminded him of Bambi.

    "We protect him?"

Everyone turned to Stark, all agreeing.

    "No one touches him."

Tony smiled.

    "Glad we all agree. Pepper-"

    "Already on it. The Guardians, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, T'Challa, Shuri, Doctor Strange, and Wong show up in a week. Thor and Loki are arriving in 4 days. What do we tell them?"

    "The truth."

That night was busy, preparing the test, cleaning the lab, cleaning around the common room, and informing everyone of the child they swore to protect. The files of the boy were sent to everyone, along with a few screenshots of messages or audio files that were random. They all agreed to protect the boy with their lives.

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now