23. He knows.

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That was the pattern for 2 months. Peter would show up at the tower on Friday and stay until Saturday evening. Sometimes he would somehow stay for longer, but he loved every second of it. He ended up meeting the Guardians, Doctor Strange, T'Challa and Shuri and the Lang/Pym Family. (It was a nice surprise because it turns out Peter babysat Cassie for a few months.) Shuri and Peter were a chaotic duo that terrified a few of the Avengers. They somehow made a working R2D2 and Lightsabers. Peter still talked to Mr. BatteryPack and the gang as well. He started realizing similarities between the two groups and started putting 2 and 2 together. It was December and Peter had ran out of the building, glad to get back to his internship. He was a bit annoyed, though. Flash had been a bigger pain in the ass and there was a surprise Field Trip planned for next week.

Thankfully, he didn't need to get a permission slip signed. (They hand those out at the beginning of the year) He smiled at Emma before running through the scanner, a semi-loud 'Peter Parker, Level 10 Access Card' ringing through the lobby. Most of the people in the lobby turned their heads, surprised that a kid had a Level Ten Access Card, but the employees knew not to question it. The employees knew about Peter, nicknaming him Ghost. He was quiet and polite. The other interns officially met him when Tony had a company wide meeting about him. They unofficially met the boy multiple times. The first time, Peter had been listening to music and had to get materials from a lower level for an upgrade for Red Wing. The interns on that floor were so confused and nearly questioned him. FRIDAY kept them silent.

    "Don't not touch Mr. Parker. He is here on Mr. Stark's orders."

That one sentence shut everyone up for a month, no one even batted an eye at his presence. As soon as Tony formally introduced him to the building, they saw him more often. They would see him walking with Tony, checking on interns, taking notes, and helping out. They would see him with Pepper Potts at times, helping her keep track of things and glaring at anyone who disrespected her in any way, shape, or form. Even the staff was terrified of his glare. He typically had a neutral face, sometimes with a small smile, but his glare was one that resembled Black Widow herself. The first time the Avengers saw it, they were stunned.

A businessman followed Pepper into the elevator and into the Avengers personal gym. Peter had been signing to Clint, asking him if his arrows needed any changes. Everyone had seen the man and asked him to leave, but he had been persistent in sealing a deal with SI. Peter locked eyes with him and glared, causing the man to stumble back. Clint nearly jumped up 3 feet in the air from it. The Avengers froze and Peter quickly signed to the man.

    'Leave Ms. Potts alone. SI doesn't want to do business with you. Now leave.'

The man had quickly nodded his head, apologized to Pepper and darted out of the building. Peter rolled his eyes and wrote what Clint had originally said in his note book, before smiling and waving at the Avengers, going back up to the lab.

He arrived on the Avengers floor and smiled, running to Tony and pulling him into a hug.

    "Mr. Stark!"

Tony laughed and hugged the brunette back.

    "What's up, Kid?"

Peter pulled away and was bouncing on the balls of his feet.

    "I passed my midterms! Ms. Diaz said that if I passed my midterms, I could stay here over winter break!"

Tony beamed and pulled Peter into another hug.

    "That's great, Kid! I'd love to have you over winter break! When does it start?"

    "Next Friday is my last day!"

    "That's awesome, Kid! Let's go to the lab and you can help me with the Iron Man suit to celebrate."

Peter pulled away and beamed.



Peter was jumping for joy and nodded his head.

    "Let's go!"

Tony laughed and the two went and worked on the suit, smiling and listening to music. Peter smiled as he recognized all of the songs. He smiled and quickly wrote a note, passing it to Tony.

    -Your Mr. BatteryPack, aren't you-

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now