37. Reveal #1

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With Tony:

6 hours. 6 hours and 4 minutes. 6 hours, 4 minutes, and 37 seconds and counting. That's how long Peter had been in the Medical Wing of the tower. After he blacked out, everyone freaked out. Tony had picked up the boy and rushed him down to the medical wing, praying that his kid was okay. Now, Peter was hooked up to who knows how many things, trying to figure out what had happened.


Tony looked up at Dr. Helen Cho, anxious.

"Dr. Cho."

"Scans came back. He was exhausted. His body hasn't rested since Monday morning and hadn't eaten since Sunday night."

Everyone who was there froze.

"What do you mean?"

"It's what I can gather from the way his body is."

Tony stood up.

"He ate dinner with us last night. He was a bit last this morning, so he did miss breakfast, but he also said he wasn't hungry."

"Then why does he look like he's starving?"

Tony hadn't noticed but tears had formed in his eyes.

"I don't know! I really don't!"

Natasha placed a hand on the man's shoulder.

"He'll be alright... Right?"

The doctor sighed.

"Most likely. Too early to tell."

They were all outside in the waiting area, but they could see the boy. Tony glanced at him, before turning back to Dr. Cho.

"Why is he injured? And what are his injuries?"

"2 broken ribs, twisted ankle. I wouldn't worry about that though. There's more important things to worry about."

"What do you mean?"

Dr. Cho flipped though her folder of papers and pulled out multiple photos.

"You all should sit down for this."


"Because it may not only explain a few things, and raise questions and frankly, I don't want any more injuries."

They all complied and sat down in chairs. At that moment, Nick Fury walked in.

"Fury. What the hell are you doing here?"

"Any S.H.I.E.L.D. cases are reviewed by me this week."

"What the hell are you-"

Cho handed Tony the photos.

"While figuring out what was wrong, we found scars and documented them."

The first photo was of his left forearm. It was practically covered in scars. Everyone's blood ran cold. Tony looked at the next one. It was of the boy's right arm. What looked like burn scars ran up to his shoulder, looking like they were made on his veins. The next photo showed the boy's neck, the burn-like scars looked like they wrapped around the boy's throat. The fourth photo was of his torso. Scars of many shapes and sizes covered his chest and sides. The second to last photo was of his back. A large dark scar covered his back. It was of a spider. (Image Above) It was dark and looked deep. Smaller ones covered his back, but none compared to this one. The last photo made the hero's hearts stop. It was a photo of his right side. There was one scar. A barcode with 5 words and a string of numbers.




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