40. Reveal #2

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With Peter:

    Pietro pulled Wanda away from the shaking boy.


    "He was forced! He was taken from his mother and they tortured him almost to insanity! God- Holy-"

She was slurring her words, trying to just tell them everything she saw. Loki, who was in the back, teleported to be sitting on the boy's bed. He ran a hand through Peter's hair, using his magic to relive his memories. Tears immediately fell and Loki pulled the boy into a tight hug, Peter returning it. No one really knew what was going on, but they all knew that it was serious and painful. The voice of FRIDAY broke the silence.


Tony was watching Peter, wanting to help, but unsure of how.

    "Yes, FRIDAY?"

    "The blood and DNA tests you ran on Peter is finished."


    "It's not normal."

Steve looked at Tony and spoke to FRIDAY.

    "How so?"

    "His blood is mixed with that of a spider."

Tony starting putting 2 and 2 together.

    "Wait... So does that mean-"

Peter mumbled something, no one being able to hear it. The god pulled away and placed his hands on his shoulders.


    "I-I'm Spider-Man..."

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now