18. I Got The Internship!!!

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Peter had just gotten to his room when the call came the next day. He answered, holding the phone to his ear, changing out of his work uniform.


His voice was hoarse from not being used.

"Hello, Is this Peter Parker?"

    "Yes, It is. May I know who's asking?"

    "Ah, yes. Of course! I'm Pepper Potts, CEO of Stark Industries."

Peter's heart stopped.

    "I-It's a pleasure to talk with you, Ms. Potts."

    "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Parker. I am personally calling to inform you that you scored 99.5% on the Intern Test. That score is incredible, not only because of your age but seeing as only Dr. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark have been able to get that high of a score, them both having 100%. I'm calling to ask when you can come to Stark Industries to start a fully-paid Internship."

Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing.

    "Y-Yeah, oh wow. Sorry, I'm just really unprepared."

He looked at his calendar.

    "Tomorrow is Friday the 15th, so I can come in tomorrow after school if that's alright."

    "Of course, Mr. Parker. What time should you be here?"

"Well, my school lets out at 2:45, so around 3 or so? Give or take a half-hour."

"Alright, that works out, Mr. Parker. You'll be Mr. Stark's Personal Intern, mainly helping him in the lab and working on Avengers equipment."

    "A-Alright. I'll be there tomorrow."

    "Great to know! Also, you mentioned on your application that your anxiety gets the best of you sometimes, but you are able to communicate via ASL otherwise known as American Sign Language. Now, All employees are required to learn ASL, but a good percentage are still beginners. Would you like someone to wait for you at the front desk that way they can translate for you, just in case?"

    "Y... Yes. That would be appreciated..."

    "Alright. I know the perfect person. Well, Mr. Parker. I will try to meet you face to face tomorrow. If not, I'll most likely see you with Tony. Have a good night, Mr. Parker."

    "Thank you, Ms. Potts. The same to you."

The call ended and Peter smiled, a sigh escaping his lips. He fell back on his bed. I got the internship! He beamed and decided to message Mr. BatteryPack.


Mr. BatteryPack!

Mr. BatteryPack

What's up, Bambi?



Mr. BatteryPack

Good job, Bambi!

I knew you could do it!


I got a 99.5%!


Tony smiled at his phone.

    "That Kid has made you happier."

He turned and saw Clint.

    "Yeah... He has..."


I kinda need to thank Mr. Stark.

Mr. BatteryPack

For what?


Not just for the chance to be his intern.

He saved my life.

Mr. BatteryPack


How and When!?


It was at Stark Expo.

I think I was around 7.

I was with my Aunt and Uncle.

I was wearing a Toy Iron Man mask and gauntlets.

The machines were shooting people, and

me being the idiot I was, thought

that they were real.

The real Iron Man came in and took it down,

saying 'Nice Job, Kid.' before flying off.

Mr. BatteryPack

That was you!?



Wait, why'd you say that as you knew about it?

Mr. BatteryPack

He still wonders about that kid and wishes the best for him.

You should tell him.

He'd be happy to know that you're okay.



I'm gonna get some sleep.

It's late and I have school tomorrow.

Bye, Mr. BatteryPack!

Mr. BatteryPack

Night, Kid!

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now