24. That Went Better Than Expected

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Tony looked up, smiling.

    "You really are way too smart, Bambi."

Peter beamed at him. Tony couldn't help but walk around and pull him into a tight hug.

    "I'm glad we met, Kid. You mean a lot to me and the others, ya know."

Peter grinned, just now realizing that he was talking to the Avengers the whole time. The boy nodded his head and smiled, glad that he was right. The two pulled apart and got back to work, blasting their playlist the whole time. 3 hours later, they left the lab and went to hang out with the Avengers, Peter smiling the whole time. Steve noticed this and questioned him.

    "You're smiling a lot more today. You got good news?"

Peter nodded his head.

    "I learned who some of my best friends are."

Everyone looked at him, a bit stunned. His hoarse, cracking voice had caught them off guard. They didn't expect him to sound like that. He sounded more familiar then the AI and sounded a bit younger than he looked. Pietro beamed.

    "Finally talking, Peter?"

The brunette couldn't hide his smirk.

    "I don't know, Speedy. Am I finally talking?"

Everyone's eyes went wide.

    "You found out!?"

Peter nodded his head.

    "And I couldn't have wished for anyone better than you guys."

Pietro and Wanda lunged toward him and tackled him into a hug on the couch.

    "Cinnamon Roll knows! I told you he'd find out soon!"

    "Shut it, Pietro! He's a smart one. That's how he knew."

Peter was beaming as everyone was just going back and forth about the reveal. Not even 20 minutes later, they all were watching a movie, in different areas than usual. Tony,  Steve, and Natasha were on the right side of the couch, Steve on the end and Tony in between him and Nat. Pepper was next to Nat and Rhodey next to Pepper. Sam and Bucky were sharing the love seat while the twins were on the floor. Clint was in the chair. Peter ended up laying across everyone on the couch, his head in Tony's lap. Tony messed with his hair and smiled, glad that Peter knew. They threw on a random movie and ended up falling asleep, blankets and pillows scattered around the room.

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now