1. Peter Texts the Wrong Number

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With Peter:

He was focusing on his designs when he had to go downstairs to eat. He hid the designs and went downstairs. He saw Ms. Diaz cooking as he walked to the kitchen.

"Hello, Ms. Diaz."

Ms. Diaz was a Hispanic woman, looking to be in her late 50's. She had long silver hair that was typically in a braid, but a heart made of gold. She turned to the brunette and smiled.

"Hello, Peter. How was school?"

"It was alright. Nothing too important."

She laughed.

"Well, you do know everything. I think you should start looking into colleges. Seeing as you may be graduating early."

Ms. Diaz was always like a worried Aunt to all of the children. She always wished the best for the kids and tried her best to help them achieve their goals.

"Would you mind helping, Peter?"

"Of course. What do you need help with?"

Peter, being the oldest, typically helped around the house with cooking and cleaning. Of course, he taught the others the basics and they helped as well, but Peter always repaired what needed fixed. He was more of the Mechanic of the house. He enjoyed it though, even if he was taught how to do it for the wrong reasons, he turned it around and used his knowledge to help others. As Ms. Diaz instructed Peter on what to do, he couldn't help but ask a few questions and make mental notes one what needs fixed. He carefully mixed everything and soon laughed to himself.

"What's funny, Peter?"

He laughed even more.

"Sorry, Ms. Diaz! It's just- I just now realized that 15 minutes into cooking, we're making Pancakes."

She laughed.

"I do believe that is funny. Do you still work at Delmars?"

He nodded his head.

"Yeah. I also picked up a job at Palermo."

"Really? That Italian place?"

He nodded his head.


"Isn't it hard to manage 2 jobs and School?"

"Nah, Delmar's, and Palermo are both part-time jobs. Pretty easy to handle."

"Whatever you say, Pete."

They finished making dinner and everyone came to eat. Peter was always quiet and ate less than everyone else. He wanted the others to be alright. It's in his nature. His heart was filled with love, but he never showed it. He was taught to stay quiet and stand down. Once everyone had finished, he cleared the dishes and helped the younger kids to bed, being careful to not hurt them by running into them or grabbing their arm too hard. By the time he finished, it was 10 pm.

Time for patrol.

He suited up and swung out the window, ready to stop some crime. He tries his best to help others. At school, he keeps his head down and mouth shut. No one in Midtown High has even heard his voice. At the Orphanage, he rarely talks. Only speaks when spoken to or when he feels like he can help. When he's Spider-Man, he can be annoying, funny, quick-witted, and overall just help people. He swung around for about an hour before landing on an abandoned building. He looked at his phone and decided to test Ned's new number. As he waited for a response, he swung around fighting crime.


Hey Ned! Finally decided to test your number! Hopefully, I got it right.

Unknown Number

Who are you and how did you get this number?

It's supposed to be private.


Sorry, Sir/Ma'am! My friend must've given me the wrong number!

As to how I'm able to text you it, It probably has to do with the fact that I

had to fix my phone multiple times. It's a Stark 3 so not the best phone.

Unknown Number

Holy shit. Those are really fucking old.

How the hell do you fix one of those?

Also, I'm a man.



Hey, do you by any chance know where I could find Synthetic Skin?

I'm workin' on a project that needs it.

And good to know Mr. Wrong Number, sir.

Unknown Number

Wtf!? Why would a project need that!?



Just thought you may know.

And I'm trying to create a body for my AI.

Unknown Number

You have your own AI?

Damn, those are hard to make.


Yes, Sir. I do. Her name is Karen.

Anyway, I should go. I have some work to finish up.

Ya mind if I keep this number?

You don't have to tell me who you are.

Or anything about you if you don't want to.

I would like to have another person to talk to though.

Unknown Number

Fine with me, Hacker.

Just don't give me a reason to track/trace your phone.


Hacker? Is that my nickname now?

Unknown Number


For now.

Have fun with work.


Doubt it.

But much appreciated.


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