48. Mario Kart with Uncle Clint

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With Peter:

The boy had been laying on the couch, his head pounding. School had wiped him out, seeing as his teachers have been trying to get him to talk more often now that they know he can. He groaned in annoyance, remembering how even though he warned Flash and his goons, they still pestered him, pushing his limits.

"You doin' okay, kid?"

Peter rolled off the couch and onto the floor with a thud. He squinted.

"Hey, Clint."

"You okay, bud? Seem annoyed."

"Teachers being jackasses about my voice and-"

He paused. They will kill me if they find out about Flash.

"And what, Pete?"

"Loud, annoying kids."

"Oh... Well... Would Mario Kart help at all? I also got Super Mash Bros if we get bored of karts."

Peter's eye lit up as he jumped back on the couch, beaming.

"You're on, Uncle Clint!"

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now