21. Early Morning

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Tony woke up with a smile on his face the next morning. It was 6 am and a good chunk of the other avengers were still asleep in the living room. Sam, Bucky, and Steve were awake, getting ready to leave for a run. Steve noticed Tony and smiled fondly, lowering his voice.

    "Hey, Tones."

    "Hey, Cap."

    "You sleep okay?"


Tony was about to stretch, when he realized that Peter was asleep, wrapped in a blanket and wearing a hoodie that he wasn't wearing last night. Steve smiled.

    "Guess he was comfortable."

    "Heh... Guess he was."

The brunette leaned back against the couch, looking at Steve.

    "You guys stay safe, okay?"

Steve smiled and the group of 3 nodded their heads.

    "Alright. Love ya, Tones."

    "Love ya too, Boy Wonder."

The group left and Tony ended up falling back asleep.

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now