25. Field Trip to Where!?

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The next week, Peter went to the Tower every day, staying till 9 pm, working with everyone. He enjoyed his time with each and every one of them and couldn't ask for a better week. He arrived at school on Friday excited. Not because he had a field trip, but because he was gonna stay with the Avengers over winter break, meaning he could spend as much with them as he wanted. He had quit his part-time jobs 2 weeks before, glad he had them, but excited to move on. His two bosses were a bit glum that he was leaving but glad that he was pursuing his dreams. (He didn't specify where he was working under Stark) He remembered the surprise field trip and turned to Ned and MJ, glad that all 3 of them could go. They boarded the bus and sat as close together as they could. MJ was clearly annoyed.

    "Can't believe we have a damn dress code for this. Where are we going that we have to look so uptight?"

Ned sighed, agreeing. The school had given them a dress code; business. No jeans, hoodies, or anything like it. MJ was annoyed, being forced into a black dress. Ned was clearly uncomfortable in a polo and winter coat. What surprised the duo was what Peter was wearing. He had realized the dress code the night before and started freaking out, realizing that he wouldn't be able to go unless he was dressed right. Nat, Tony, and Wanda had thankfully taken him to different places to get a professional outfit. He was wearing black dress pants, black converse, and a white button-up, a suit jacket as well. The duo had never seen him own anything like it, but enjoyed the look on him. (Ned pointed out that he looked like a young Tony Stark with the outfit, which caused Peter to freak out for at least 5 minutes.) Flash, who thought he looked the best, had done a double-take, not expecting Peter to dress like that. Almost everyone did a double-take for Peter and a few even complimented him. The boy noticed the route they were going and his heart raced. His teacher, Mr. Harrington, turned to the students, beaming.

    "Alright, I feel like now is the perfect time to tell you where we are going. Our field trip is at... Stark Industries!"

Cheers and gasps, and yells of excitement erupted from the bus. Peter drummed his fingers on his thigh, reminding himself that everything would be fine. They had taken their bags with them, allowing them to take notes. They got to the tower and everyone went silent, in awe of the building. They walked into the lobby and Mr. Harrington talked to Emma. She glanced at another intern, Marc, and he followed Mr. Harrington back to the group.

    "Hey, guys! I'm Marc and I'll be your tour guide. Now, everyone who goes past the lobby needs a badge. You guys are Level 1, meaning you can only go to the bathrooms, ground floor, and Cafeterias on your own. Because I know you'll ask, Level 2's are for the press. They have the same access points, but are allowed into a few meeting rooms without a higher level present. Level 3's are tour guides. Level 4's are interns like me. Level 5's are normal staff. Level 6's are the Heads of Departments. Level 7's are Janitors and Security Guards. Level 8's are for anyone from S.H.I.E.L.D. Level 9's are for the Avengers and Superheroes who don't visit the tower very often. Level 10 is the highest clearance, allowing them to go anywhere in the tower, even Stark's personal workshop/lab. Those are for the Avengers, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, and Stark's Personal Intern. Stark's Intern's nickname is Ghost, but he shouldn't be here till around 3. You guys are here till 4, so you may have a chance to meet him. Now, you guys will be seeing the Avenger's Museum, the R&D labs, the Intern Labs, and you will be watching a business meeting take place. The meeting is at 3:15, so we have some time. Lunch has also been covered. You will have a chance to meet Mr. Stark and his intern after the meeting. Mr. Stark requested that Ghost join him, so that's why the meeting is so late. Please keep in mind that if we do see them, Ghost very rarely talks so be respectful. He's a huge part of the company and Mr. Stark will not hesitate to make sure you never enter the building again if you disrespect Ghost. Now, when I call your name, come get your badge. Once everyone has their badge, we can go through the scanner."

Marc handed out the badges, quietly skipping over Peter. They all went through scanner, FRIDAY calling out their names and Card Level's. Thankfully, Peter walked through the scanner the same time Ned did, ensuring that FRIDAY didn't say his. The tour started out great, everything flying by. They ate in the cafeteria before heading to the Intern labs. Saying that Peter was nervous was an understatement. He was terrified. No one at school knew that he worked at SI and he didn't want attention on him. The group walked into the Intern Lab and it was hectic. Interns were running around, working on hundreds of different projects. In the middle of the room stood the man of the tower, Tony Stark himself. He was approving and helping with the projects, giving pointers. He glanced at the group and smiled his famous smile, walking up to them.

"Hey, Marc. What's goin' on?"

Marc smiled.

    "Good afternoon, Mr. Stark. I'm actually a tour guide for Midtown High today."

Tony smiled, before realization hit him. He smirked and scanned the crowd and locked eyes briefly with Peter, before turning back to Marc.

    "Marc I don't believe I told you this, but my Personal Intern actually attends Midtown High."

The group of kids gasped, murmurs quickly forming. Marc's eyes widened.

    "I didn't think Ghost was that young! Is he here right now!? I mean, he almost always wears those glasses, so it's hard to tell."

Tony's smirk grew.

    "FRIDAY, 4-73." (Read as 4 73)

FRIDAY's voice rang through the tower.

    "Attention, Avengers. Mr. Stark has declared a 4-73. All Avengers in the building please report to the 3rd Intern Floor."

Within a minute, Wanda, Pietro, Shuri, Thor, Steve, Nat, Sam, and Bucky ran into the lab.


Tony nodded his head, still smirking. Clint dropped from the vents, startling a few of the students.

    "Yes! A 4-73 finally happened! Can we do paintball early!?"

Tony shook his head.

    "Nope. The two of us still have a meeting."

    "Damn it."

Loki appeared behind Tony, smiling.

    "Where is my favorite Midguardian!?"

Tony crossed his arm, a smile playing to his lips.

    "Find him yourself after the meeting. It's starting in 5 minutes, so you can steal him afterwards."

Loki sighed, mumbling curses under his breath. Tony laughed.

    "Alright, how about we show you the meeting room?"

The students were still in shock. They quickly nodded their heads and followed Marc to the room, allowing time for Peter to sneak away with Tony. Tony smiled and slightly fixed the boy's hair.

    "Hey, Bambi."

    "Hey, Mr. Stark."

Tony frowned and dusted off Peter's jacket.

    "I told you kid, it's Tony."

    "Of course, Mr. Stark."

The older man cracked a smile.

    "Need your glasses? You may need them."

Peter nodded his head.

    "Yeah, it'd be smart to have those."

Tony handed him the glasses and smiled.

    "You ready?"

Peter smirked.

    "Let's do this."

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now