32. Merry One Day Before Christmas!

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With Peter:

    That one little break was the most fun that the boy had had in a long time. He spent time in the lab with Tony, almost never leaving his side. They made hundreds of new blueprints for multiple things, worked down with the interns, and a few official workers, as well as working a bit with Pepper.

After about a week, He visited Asgard with Thor and Loki, meeting Hela and a few others. He tried nearly every food he was allowed to and read as many books as he could. The architecture, the magic; it was all so new for Peter. He learned as much as he could before he went back home. He officially moved in and got his own room. The best part of it all was the holidays.

"Peter!!! Come on!

He rubbed his eyes and smiled.

"Hey, guys. What's up?"

Pietro was running around Peter's room. He stopped right next to Wanda, who was sitting on the brunette's bed.

    "Do you not know what today is!?"

Peter sat up.


    "It's CHRISTMAS!!!"

Peter's eyes went wide.

    "Wait, really!? Already!?"

Wanda laughed.

    "Well, it's actually Christmas Eve, but yes."

Peter smiled.

    "Sweet! What do you guys typically do?"

The twins beamed and pulled Peter out of bed.

    "Come on!"

    "We'll show you!"

    "Get dressed first!"

The two ran out of his room and shut his door, leaving him to get dressed. He quickly changed out of his clothes and into blue jeans and a white long sleeved shirt. He threw on his shoes and Tony's MIT hoodie, before running out of his room. The twins and Shuri smirked, pulling him to the table to eat. Peter smiled and laughed at their comments as they ate. The "Adults" were all on a mission and were supposed to be back around New Years. Peter had eaten about 7 pancakes by the time the others had finished. His metabolism always caught up to him, but he finally started eating a bit more to help with the problem. Was it enough to keep him from always being hungry? No, but it was better than what it was. He smiled a bit, acknowledging his improvement, before clearing his place.

    The morning was filled with snowball fights, snow forts, pranks, and a few snowmen. They went inside to make hot chocolate, making sure to keep mint out of Peter's. (Now that was a prank war gone wrong.) FRIDAY had read off a few messages from Pepper and Happy, before they decided to watch a movie and make lunch. Pepper had to be in meetings all day and Happy had been told by Tony to go visit his family. He had actually given that order to everyone, saying that after their mission, they were to go straight back to their families and stay with them for the rest of the year. They ate a quick lunch before they went to the mall, meeting up with Ned and MJ. The two groups had only met one other time and that was when Peter had wanted them to officially meet. They all hit it off and spent about 3 days straight in the lab. (All of the adults but Pepper and Loki had been out, it was great. They made lightsabers.) Peter ran to Ned and hugged him tight.


    "Hey, Peter!"

He let go and handed him a small box.

    "For tomorrow!"

Ned beamed and handed Peter a rectangle bax.

    "For tomorrow."

Peter glanced at MJ and pulled her into a hug.

    "Merry One Day Till Christmas!"

She laughed.

    "Merry One Day Till Christmas, Peter."

Peter handed her a tiny box and in return received a card.

    "Ned and I pitched in on the box. I wrote the card."

The brunette smiled.

    "Thanks, MJ."

    "It's what I do."

The group of kids walked around, just talking and goofing off. After about 5-ish hours at the mall, they parted ways, making sure Ned and MJ got home safely. Once the group got home, they put their stuff away and changed back into their pj's, not caring that it was only 6 pm. Peter changed into sweatpants and ran out of his room, crashing in Bucky. The soldier helped steady the boy on his feet.

    "Hey, you alright kid?"

Peter looked up and beamed, before hugging him.

    "You guys are back! Shuri said you guys would miss Christmas."

Bucky laughed.

    "Heh... Change of plans. We just got back. Everyone's leaving to head home soon. Nat's going with Clint and I'm going with Sam, so come say bye."

Peter smiled and ran with Bucky out to the group, first tackling Nat.

    "Ms. Romanoff!"

The red-head laughed.

    "I thought I told you to call me Nat."

    "Maybe one day."

He hugged everyone and had said his goodbyes. They were standing on the heli-pad outside. He and the others had said their goodbye's as each one exited the Quinjet. He beamed and ran towards a very familiar brunette that was standing next to his blonde lover, pulling him into a hug.

    "Dad! You're back!"

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