26. The Meeting

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To say Peter was nervous was an understatement. He was about to be in a very important meeting with Tony and Pepper with his class AND the Avengers watching. The two walked in the room, thankfully his glasses hiding most of his identity. He stood at Stark's side, sometimes glancing at his class. They were on the other side of a glass wall, so thankfully he couldn't hear them. He tuned back into the conversation at the wrong (right) time.

    "And besides, a 85/15 split sounds reasonable. I mean, you don't have a need for more."

Peter couldn't hold his tongue.

    "I'm sorry, but Stark Industries agreed on a 60/40 split, not 85/15."

The businessman glared at him.

    "And Stark clearly has more than enough money."

Peter glared right back.

    "And you have 5 kids all with separate mothers and don't pay a dime in child support. You hog it all to yourself. Am I correct, Mr. Kingsley?"

The man looked offended.

    "How the-"

    "I read through every partner's files, so I'm not dense. 60/40 split or nothing."

Peter took a step forward, his confidence growing.

"And the only reason SI needs the 40% split is because we pay our workers fair and help them have a more than liveable lifestyle. We also spend money for materials to assist not only S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers, but also NASA, the CDC, and at least 40% of SI's profit goes back into not only local communities, but global issues that need help."

The man scoffed, clearly annoyed.

    "Sure ya do. You're just a kid and Stark is a scammer."

Peter's face grew dark. He looked down and pinched the bridge of his nose, taking off his glasses.

"Ms. Potts? Would you hold these for me?"

Pepper nodded, smirking and took the glasses. Peter looked up, smirking. The two rooms froze, unprepared for what was to happen.

    "I may just be a kid, but I also have a 4.0, have gotten a 99.5% out of 100 on the SI Intern test, have already had MIT, Harvard, Stanford, and Yale request that I join their rostar, have worked alongside Dr. Bruce Banner and Mr. Anthony Stark, AND have PERSONALLY work on the Avengers equipment. So if you have a problem with me, you can take your complaints and either talk to Ms. Potts or shove them up your ass. SI doesn't even need help from you. You came to us asking for funding and shared profits. Now, you have 2 choices, either apologize to Mr. Stark and stay with the 60/40, or leave."

The room fell silent for a few moments, so silent that someone could probably hear the faint whirling of the arc reactor from 7 feet away. Tony smirked and stood behind Peter, placing his hands on his shoulders.

    "That, Mr. Kingsley is exactly why Mr. Parker is my Personal Intern. He doesn't and if I may quote him directly, he 'doesn't care if you're the president' and he 'isn't scared to beat people's asses to the ground to get what he wants.'"

He lowered his voice.

    "I quote ya right?"

Peter smiled.

    "For the most part."

Tony smiled and went back to his normal speaking voice.

"Now, you heard him. Choose."

The man grumbled and grabbed his things, his employees following him out of the room. Peter smirked.

    "Cagna del cazzo. Avresti dovuto pensarci prima di parlare ... Oh, aspetta ... Non puoi."

(You ain't gettin a translation for that. Just know their be many cuss words and insults)

Tony burst out laughing, moving to stand next to Peter.

    "Holy shit, you really are my kid."

Pepper laughed and handed Peter his glasses back.

    "Good job, Pete."

Peter just smiled up at the two, before he fell through the floor.

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now