44. Baby Spider

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With Peter:

    The woman smiled and nodded her head a bit, her eyes tearing up. The boy lunged forward and hugged her, tears running down his cheeks. Natasha was a bit stunned but hugged him back.

    "W-What hap-"

    "Shh... It's okay... I'll explain everything eventually, I promise. But you need to relax, for now, okay? You're under a lot of stress and that can't be good."

She ran her fingers through his hair gently, somewhat soothing him. Peter nodded his head and closed his eyes, staying quiet.

    "I heard you were a good hero."

Peter smiled and laughed a bit.

    "Heh... I try..."

    "I also heard that you beat up the Captain for Tony. I gotta take a bit of credit for that."

Peter snorted and looked up at her, smiling.

    "Alright, but I learned the 'knock them out, not kill them' moves on my own."

Natasha laughed and smirked.


They sat in silence for a minute, before FRIDAY spoke.

    "How are you feeling, Peter?"

The boy looked up at the ceiling and smiled.

    "A lot better."

    "Well, that's good to hear. I looked over everything, and you should be able to leave now. I would recommend eating until you are full from now on. Your metabolism, as Mr. Stark said, is crazy fucking fast."

Peter laughed at that.

    "Alright... I can try."

Nat smiled and stood up, helping him up as well.

    "So, you made your own web-shooters, even though you can naturally produce them?"

    "Yeah. It's a lot less uncomfortable. Do you happen to know where they are? And any clothes I could change into?"

Nat nodded her head and nodded her head towards a bag as she spoke.

    "All in there, baby spider."

He smiled and looked in the bag. He flung his web-shooters on and quickly changed into sweatpants and a tank top.

    "Tony said you could throw on his hoodie after you could actually move."

Peter laughed and nodded his head, before smirking.


Nat crossed her arms.

    "What's with the smirk?"

    "Bet I could beat you in a race back up to the Avengers floor."

The redhead's eyes gleamed with mischief.

    "You're on."

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now