The Boys||Pt. 1

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I used to live in Georgia. After years of living with my very protective parents who never let me travel by myself, I finally decided to move to LA. I moved because there were so many opportunities for creativity. Before I arrived to LA I had an apartment, but unfortunately there was a misunderstanding and I no longer had that apartment so I was basically homeless. I had zero clue where to go now. I was looking at a guy. I thought he was cute, he looked about my age or maybe a little bit older and I was thinking about asking him for directions but I was nervous and shy. So I wasn't sure.

I'm going to live in the airport if I don't ask. Whatever. I'll just ask him. It isn't that big of a deal.

~ Y/N= You     Someone=  S/O~

Y/N: "Hey, hold up"
S/O: "Hi, umm, do I know you?"
Y/N: "No, I pretty sure not, I'm Y/N"
S/O: "Y/N, I'm Jaden."

So that's his name Jaden...

~ Jaden= Jdn ~

Jdn: "First time here?"
Y/N: "Yeah actually, how do you know?"
Jdn: "I dont know, you just look a little lost. So what brings you here"
Y/N: "Well I had an apartment to stay at cause I'm moving here now but it turns out I cant get the apartment, misunderstanding. Which is why I stop to talk to you and ask you if there was a hotel nearby."
Jdn: "Yeah there is one down the street."
Y/N: "Thank you!"

I was about to walk out the airport when he called me back to him.

Jdn: "Wait Y/N! Come back"

Is he calling me back, I wonder why.. I really don't want to talk to him. I'm very shy and I just got embarrassed for no reason..

Y/N: "Were you calling me back?"
Jdn: "Yeah I was, do you need a place to stay at"
Y/N: "Yeah, that's why I'm going to the hotel"

You laughed

Jdn: "Right, what I meant was do you want to go stay at my place for a while. I feel bad for letting you stay at a hotel."

I know I'm not supposed to trust people, but I feel like he is a genuinely good person. Why not.

Y/N: "I mean sure.."
Jdn: "Come on follow me."

Jaden took me to his car and drove to his place. I was expecting to at least live in a regular house maybe a two story house with 3 or 4 rooms... He took me took me to a really pretty house, bigger than what I thought. Jaden got my stuff from the back and we walked into the house. Jaden walked up to the stair signaling me to follow him.. I still didnt know about the other boys living in the house. So when he started talking about the many rooms upstairs I was surprised when I found about them.

Jdn: "Come on.. The boys are in these rooms so you'll have to share a room with me if your okay with that."
Y/N: "Im fine with that, but what do you mean the boys?"
Jdn: "Oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that I live here with my friends.. It's not just me.. Which is why you'll have to share a room with me come this is my room."

We entered a pretty big room and Jaden brought my stuff in. He showed me his bathroom just in case I needed it and luckily he had an air mattress where I was supposed to sleep on.

Jdn: "The bathroom is right there if you need it. I'll go get an air mattress for you."
Y/N: "Okay thanks..."

I was getting ready to sleep since it was still around 4 in the morning. I had a pretty long night, so I got on the air mattress and laid down with Jaden up on his bed.. Then randomly out of nowhere. Jaden called me from his bed and insisted on letting me sleep with him.

Jdn: "I- Hey Y/N, can you come up here. I feel really bad for letting you stay down there. I dont want you to sleep right next to me, just get on the bed, and I'll leave space in between us."
Y/N: "Why, does that not feel weird to you?"
Jdn: "Just come up here please.. Also I mean..."

He slightly laughed while he tried explaining as I got up to get in the bed.

Jdn: "This is going to sound weird, but no. I feel like I've known you for a while. Besides, I get good vibes from you.. I just feel like I trust you enough to bring you to my house."

I was laying down on one side and he was on the other. We had a pretty big space between us and we were facing each other. I couldn't help but just stare in his eyes for a moment.. But I guess I stared too long cause it was really quite for a while until he laughed.

Jdn: "It's really quite I had to laugh.. What are you doing"
Y/N: "Im sorry its just this is weird but I also get a good feeling from you. Do you mind if we keep talking when I leave. Like I just want to be friends"
Jdn: "Definitely! You're pretty cool."
Y/N: "Okay well, goodnight."
Jdn: "Goodnight Y/N"

The next morning I woke up to someone knocking on the door questioning Jaden as to why his door was locked.

S/O: "Jaden! Bro why do you have your door locked. Since when do you lock it? Hurry up and get out here we are about to order breakfast. What do you want?"

Jaden woke up from his sleep forgetting I was there. Once he realized no one knew about me he told me to run inside the bathroom to hide. I could still hear them and I heard the same guy asking Jaden questions.

S/O: "Jaden, since when do you lock your door?"
Jdn: "Can I not lock my door without you interrogating me bro?"

He laughed trying to reassure the guy he was talking to that he wasn't being rude about it.

S/O: "Damn, don't get mad I was just asking.. What are you doing hiding something"
Jdn: "No Bryce you weren't asking you were interrogating, anyway no I'm not hiding anything. I'm also not getting mad. By the way dude I dont care what you order for me just get breakfast. I'm not really hungry anyway."

Jaden closed the door and locked it again. As soon as I heard him lock the door I walked out the bathroom.

Y/N: "Well they didn't sound too happy.. Who was that?"
Jdn: "I'm sorry that was Bryce. He's not usually like that, he probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. You can go get ready.. If you want you can take a shower just do whatever you need to do."
Y/N: "Thank you!"

I did end up taking a shower and I got dressed. As soon as I got out Jaden got ready and I was nervous. Cause I knew I had to go down to meet the boys. I was nervous, since the first guy's impression wasn't so pleasing. I decided to ask Jaden how many people were down their. Just to get comfortable with the idea of having to meet them.

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