Fixing It

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I pushed his hair back away from his face and kissed his forehead.


I hope we stop this soon Bryce. I miss you and I need you. I'm sorry.

I let him rest on my bed and I cleaned up the mess he made in my room. When I was done I went downstairs to watch TV.

Bl: "Hey Y/N! Ummm so why is Bryce laying down on your bed? I was looking for you in your room"
Y/N: "I don't know he was already there when I got back this morning.. He was drunk and just fell asleep there I guess."
Bl: "How do you know he was drunk?"
Y/N: "There were about 2 dozen cans of white claws around him.. Its just that I cleaned it up. "
Bl: "Oh.. You alright?"
Y/N: "I just don't know.. Umm.. About Bryce. He keeps hooking up with Addison and I just want him to stop."
Bl: "Don't you think you should tell him then?"
Y/N: "Yeah.. But I'm also upset because he cheated on me with Addison.. So I mean. I don't know."
Bl: "You have a more than valid reason as to why you're mad.. I mean hell. I'd definitely be mad if someone was cheating on me. But tell me. How much fun has it been ignoring him?"
Y/N: "Not much.. I'll be back I'm going to go check up on him."
Bl: "Alright.. Try and talk to him."

I nod and walk up to my room and see Bryce is still laying down on my bed. I walk in and laid next to him. I noticed his soft curly hair, and his lips.. His calmly closed eyes. I began talk to myself.. Looking up at the ceiling and unconsciously closing my eyes.

Y/N: "I just need to talk to you. I want you to talk to me. I miss you Bryce. I miss you even though you dont care. It's okay. I just want you to stop-"

He shifted his position on the bed to face the other way, away from me. For a moment I thought he woke up.

Y/N: "Bryce..?"

He didn't answer so I assumed he was still sleeping. And my dumb self continued talking not knowing he actually did wake up.

Bryce's POV:

I woke up with my head instantly hurting from the bright lights in the room. I didn't know where I was until I hear Y/N, talking to me but I was so shocked when I realized that I was in her room that I didn't answer her. She began talking to herself and I certainly didn't expect.

Y/N: "I just need you to stop hooking up with Addison.."

Then I heard her cute giggle and she started talking again.

Y/N: "I was trying to make you jealous to by kissing Josh.... And I guess to distract myself too. It justs hurts so much I cant take it anymore Bryce. I still love you."

She sniffled and got up to sit on the edge of the bed facing away from my direction. So I tried to slowly turn around and I grew the courage to speak up.

B: "Really?"

She jumped and turned her head around.

B: "You still love me?"
Y/N: "I-I I mean-"
B: *laughed* "I do too."
Y/N: "What?"
B: "I. Love. You."
Y/N: "Why- I thought you were sleeping. Sorry."

I moved over closer to her and hugged her from behind, my arms around her waist. I put lips carefully on her neck and softly kissed her.

B: "What were you saying earlier..?"

She got up and out my arms to get off the bed to sit back down facing me.

Y/N: "I was going to come find you to tell you that I just want this to stop."
B: "What to stop?"
Y/N: "You kissing Addison."
B: "I wasn't trying to make you jealous by kissing her but I you need to stop kissing Josh."
Y/N: "Oh I already did.. I was just doing that to make you jealous. It cause hurts too much. And I-I miss you. I'm sorry"

She began crying and so I reached over to hug her as tight as possible. I wiped the tears off her face and talked to her.

B: "It's okay.. You shouldn't be sorry. I'm sorry, it never would've happened if I didn't kiss Addison. But I didn't want to kiss her. That night at the party I was hanging out with Nick and Tayler when Addison pushed me into my room. She threatened to hurt you if I didn't hook up with her. I told Nick and Taylor to go away because I needed to talk to Addison so I could tell her to leave me alone and that she needed to get over it because I loved you."
Y/N: "Im sorry..."
B: "But Im not with Addison anymore either. Last night I figured out a way to make her stop. I brought up something she did in the past. And I basically said that I would leak.. Pictures and videos on social media if she didn't stop.. Also I got upset last night after I called you so sorry for drinking and passing out on your bed. "
Y/N: "It's okay its not half as bad as me getting too mad than I don't let you explain yourself and then proceed to break up with you..
B: "Its alright I understand why you did it. I'm known by my friends as a 'fuckboy' you had every reason to be mad, especially after everything that happened when we first met and also from everything the boys told you."
Y/N: "So we're okay?"
B: "Better question.. Do we just pretend this didn't happen or??"
Y/N: "If you want to."
B: "We can go back to dating then?"
Y/N: "Again if you want to.. I feel stupid now. We could've just avoided this if I wasn't so jealous.. And if I would've just listened"
B: "It's alright babygirl.. Remember, it never happened.. Ugh my head is killing me."

I laid back down and closed my eyes, and she began running her hand through my hair pushing it back.

Your POV

I started pushing his hair back again and I felt it so soft and it smelled good.

Y/N: "It's okay you can go back to sleep"

Bryce's POV

She was so nice and caring. I smiled and looked at her.

B: "Can you keep doing that it helps me head.."
Y/N: "I'll do it till we both fall asleep."
B: "I love you.. Y/N."

She stopped running her hand through my hair and and held it back for a moment. She kissed my forehead and then continued to play with it again.

Y/N: "I love you too. Goodnight."

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