Truth Or Dare

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Everyone came in and by the end of it there were 11 people all sitting in the living room, including myself. It was beginning to get boring so Blake and Vinnie thought we should play truth or dare.

~ Vinnie=V ~

V: "So who's going first?"
Jsh: "This bud.. Right here."
G: "Who me? No!"
Jsh: "Alright then I'll go. You're such a baby Griff"
Bl: "Okay. Josh, Truth or Dare?"
B: "You already know what I'm choosing. Dare! Obviously! I'm not a baby like Griff right there

I slightly laughed at Josh.. Not because I was making fun of him but more for his energy. And just for the fact that he chose dare making me wonder what he would have to do.

Bl: "Oh am I glad I bought these!"
A: "Oh! I forgot you bought those!"
K: "What?"
Q: "What did you buy?"
Y/N: "What are you guys talking about?"
V: *laughs* "Oh now I remember what you bought
Jdn: "Well what did he buy?"
Nh: "Yeah what did he buy?"
Bl: "Wax Strips!"
Jsh: "Fuck! Where"
G: "In the armpits!"
B: "Oh I was thinking his thigh.."
Nh: "Well I guess we are doing both!"

The boys laughed and we decided to do it on his leg instead. It hurt him slightly but the after a moment he was fine.

V: "Now who is next?"
Jsh: "Bryce! Definitely!"
B: "Fine... Also I'm picking dare! Cause I'm a party animal!"
V: "Chug this entire White Claw then kiss one of the boys.. meaning anyone but your girlfriend"
B: "Alright.. Here give me one.."

Bryce drank the entire can and then kissed Jaden on the lips.. It was weird seeing my boyfriend kiss my best friend. But I guess that's what I get for dating a Sway boy.

Jdn: "Im going to steal him.. He's mine!"

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes laughing. Then I looked back and saw him laughing with Noah and Quinton. I laughed at the awkward look Bryce gave me and everyone laughed. After we had settled Kio, Anthony, and Quinton showed us a picture he had taken of Bryce and Jaden kissing.

I laughed and told them to send it to me. After that we began playing again.

~ The boys= Tb

Nh: "I don't even care anymore, Y/N HAS to go next."
Q: "Yeah you have to go.. "
A: "Who Y/N?"
Nh: "Yeah"
V: "Y/N? You going next?"
Y/N: "I don't know.. I don't want to! I'm scared of you guys"
B: "Oh come on babygirl! Y/N! Y/N!
Y/N! Y/N!"
Tb: "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!"
Y/N: "Alright! Fine! But I'm choosing truth.."
Q: "Ooh! I have one! Okay.. Is it true that Bryce is a good kisser"
Y/N: "That he is a good kisser?"
Q: "Yeah"
Y/N: "Ummm.. I-I"

I could feel my cheeks turning red and I didn't know what to say. All i could do was awkwardly laugh and stare a Bryce.. Smiling. The boys laughed at my embarrassment (in a nice way, not trying to make of me) and they kept asking.

K: "So? Is it true?"
G: "Yes? Or no?"
Jsh: "She's getting embarrassed!"
Jdn: "She's shy"
A: "Hello?"
Q: "You need to answer.."
B: "Am I?"
Y/N: "Yeah..." *laughs*
B: "What?"
Y/N: "Yes! Okay!" *laughs*
V: "Imagine if she said no"
B: "But she didn't"

This was probably the best time we've had in a long time. Just all of us hanging out together..  Genuinely having fun and laughing. For the rest of the evening we continued playing and we finally went to sleep. I got in the bed with Bryce and he kissed me then whispered in my ear.

B: "You really think I'm good at kissing huh?"
Y/N: "Shut up"
B: "It's okay Jaden thinks I'm good at kissing too!"
Y/N: "Bryce go to sleep!"

A couple weeks went by and everything was great. Jaden was going to release his next song and he was going to throw a single release party.

~ Single Release Party ~

Y/N: "You're not drinking?"
B: "No.. Josh and I aren't.."
Y/N: "Really? My baby isn't going to drink tonight? That's new.."

I walked around the crowd of people. I saw Jaden invited almost everyone he knew... Even Addison and Nessa were there. I felt very uneasy with Addison being here since all she would do was stare at Bryce trying to get his attention. And Nessa hadn't talked to Josh since there breakup. So I went trying to find Josh. When I found him... He was just sitting on the couch staring at other people. Especially at Nessa.

Y/N: "Hey! Are you okay?"
Jsh: "Yeah.. Why"
Y/N: "I don't know.. Maybe cause you're just sitting here not happy..?"
Jsh: "Im fine just a little tired."

I began talking with Josh when he wanted to go look for Bryce. So we went looking everywhere. Since we couldn't find him we texted him and he wouldn't answer.. I called. He never picked up.

~ Tayler= T ~

Y/N: "Maybe he is drinking.. I mean he is Bryce, he drinks like 20 White Claws at once"
Jsh: "No he can't be. He told me he wasn't going to drink for the next couple months. He doesn't lie."
Y/N: "Well are you sure because-"
T: "Fine then. See you later.. B-Bryce!"

I was interrupted by a drunk Tayler walking down the stairs.

Jsh: "Bro! Is Bryce in his room?"
T: "Yeah.. He's mean, he won't let me come in because he's 'taking care of something important' so dumb.. Anyway, bye!"
Jsh: "What the hell is he..? Nevermind come on."

We were walking upstairs and over to Bryce's room, when I realized the entire time Bryce was gone, Addison was too. Then I began getting that queasy and unsettling feeling in my stomach, the same feeling I got when I knew something was going on. My heart sunk.

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