No More Sway?

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We kept driving until we finally got there. We got off the car and walked into the airport. We looked for his mom.. And met up with her. That's when I finally saw her for the first time. Nervous butterflies grew in my stomach but regardless I still managed to talk to her.

~ Bryce's Mom= Bm ~

B: "Mom! Hey! I missed you!"
Bm: "Aww I missed you too my little boy!"

He walked up to her giving her a tight hug. As Josh and Jaden greeted her with me following up behind him.

Jsh: "Hi! Nice to meet you!"
Jdn: "Hi, it's nice to meet you too!"

After Josh and Jaden cleared up the way, they exposed me nervously walking behind. Bryce realized i was getting nervous so we walked over to his mom.. and talked.

B: "Mom. This is Y/N! My girlfriend."
Bm: "Oh my goodness! Its wonderful to meet you."
Y/N: "It's wonderful to meet you as well."
Bm: "You're so beautiful."
Y/N: "Thank you"
Bm: "You know I have been waiting to meet you! Since Bryce won't ever stop talking about you to me."
Y/N: "Really?"
B: "Mom!"
Bm: "I'm so happy you're with him! You've made him happier. You really made him a better person! Thank you!"
Y/N: "Oh it's really nothing don't worry about that."
Bm: "I do have one tiny question.. Does he treat you right.."
Y/N: *laughs* "Of course"
B: "Mom! That's not even a question! Obviously I do! Anyway.. Lets go!"
Bm: "Oh where is my suitcase? And my bag?"
B: "Mom? It's right here. I'll take it. Let's go come on.."
Bm: "Oh okay I'll take my stuff, its okay."
B: "Mom I told you I'll take it."

Bryce was being so nice to his mom.. and clingy.. It really was adorable he was such a mama's boy. He kept relying on her to do everything. I loved that he was really close to his mom like that. During the next few days that his mom was here we all just hung out together. I really got to bond with her.. It almost felt like she was another mom to me.. Besides my real mom. I loved her and I didn't want her to go but she did.

~ Next Few Days ~

After a few days the boys were having long discussions over all the boys in the house.. Sadly it was getting too crowded and Jaden and Josh wanted to leave. They said they wanted to focus on themselves and their future. I wasn't mad.. I had no reason to be mad.. But i was going to miss them a lot. It was okay though, Jaden was finally going to release his next few songs! And Josh would finally focus on himself since he broke up with Nessa. Over the next days.. Josh and Jaden were moving stuff and then finally settled somewhere else leaving nothing but two empty and lonely rooms. It was pretty lonely at first but eventually we got around it. It was confusing because now the boys split up into 3 different ways. There was the original Sway House but now it consisted of Bryce, Noah, Blake, and Anthony. Then they decided to make another house, Sway Gaming, here there is Griffin, Kio, Quinton, and Vinnie. Then finally, Josh and Jaden had obviously just said they would leave Sway in general.. They still considered themselves a part of Sway they just weren't as interacted with the house's activities on social media. It didn't mean they would talk or hang out so after everything was settled, everyone came to the Sway House to hang out.

B: "Oh hey Josh! Come on"
Jdn: "Hey Bryce"

Everyone came in and by the end of it there were 11 people all sitting in the living room, including myself. It was beginning to get boring so Blake and Vinnie thought we should play truth or dare.


Sorry for a short chapter I don't usually do that. I am just caught up on the sequel for Social Media Struggles and I forget I still have to this book. So for the sake of not keeping you guys waiting I am updating. I promise I'll try and update more. *Also.. Be excited because I am trying to write the entire book for Social Media Struggles sequel.. That way I can release the entire book at once.

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