Only He is Here

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We were walking upstairs and over to Bryce's room, when I realized the entire time Bryce was gone, Addison was too. Then I began getting that queasy and unsettling feeling in my stomach, the same feeling I got when I knew something was going on. My heart sunk. I tightly held onto Josh's hand. He turned back and gave me a confused look, but then realized and held my hand tighter. He opened the door. I looked up from the floor, only to see Bryce and Addison kissing each other.

Jsh: "What the fuck..."

As soon as Josh spoke up, Bryce backed away and off of Addison. He looked at me straight in my eyes. I was speechless, my eyes began to water, my mind went blank, my heart started to ache, and my head began spinning.

Ad: "Oh hey!"

She looked at me up and down and rolled her eyes at me, placing her hands back around Bryce's neck. He pushed her onto the bed and walked away from her and towards me. I wad mad and all I could think to do was run away from Josh's grip and go to my room and lock my door. While I was running away I heard Addison yelling something at me, and Bryce yelling back at her angrily.

Ad: "Don't worry Y/N! Bryce was just telling me how much he wanted me and then kissed me!"
B: "Y/N- no wait! Shut up Addison!
Y/N..." *fades in the distance*

I shut my door and then fell on my bed. I started crying uncontrollably, not knowing what to do. I sat in silence hearing the voices and songs playing from downstairs. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door and a rattle from the door knob.

Y/N: "Go away."
Jsh: "Open the door"
Y/N: "No Josh.. Go with Jaden and Vinnie. Kio? Maybe even Quinton? Just do something. Leave me alone. Just go.."
Jsh: "Y/N, you know you're the only person I want to be with right? You're my only friend. And you need me. Don't leave me out here."

One thing I can never do is be rude to someone who has never been anything but nice to me. My one weakness. So I open the door.

Y/N: "Fine. Come in."
Jsh: "Don't cry."
Y/N: "Why would he do that to me"
Jsh: "I would tell you if I knew. Im sorry. Don't worry it will be fine. I'm here if you need me. And if you need anything else just ask me. I'll also be here to listen if that's what you need. Just know I care about you and I just want you to be safe."

He pulled me into a hug. And he wouldn't let go. It made me upset that Bryce would do that to me. I didn't understand. I couldn't stop crying and I couldn't stop thinking about Bryce and Addison. It hurt. I hugged Josh tighter and tighter as thoughts flooded my head.

Jsh: "Im supposing you don't want to go back out to the party. But it's okay if you want to stay here. We can watch a movie or just go to sleep"
Y/N: "No it's fine. This wasn't even suppose to happen. Besides Jaden's song is dropping in a couple minutes. We need to be there for him. Come on.."
Jsh: "Are you sure?"
Y/N: "Yeah"
Jsh: "Okay. Come here.. Sorry. Okay I'm sorry it happened. Don't cry. Wipe your tears off.. Okay. You ready?"
Y/N: "Yeah.. Let's go."

We walked out together and I tried to keep it together. My eyes would tear up from time to time but I tried to have fun. Eventually the night was over and it was getting late. I went to bed thinking about Bryce and why he would do that to me. I fell asleep crying about him. The next morning I didn't want to get out of my bed. Jaden found out about what Bryce did and got upset. But I begged him not to say or do anything. So he didn't. I didn't want to eat, all I wanted to do was stay in bed and do nothing. It went on for almost a week, I found myself sitting in an empty and quiet room. Crying. Until Josh and Jaden walked in with a cup of juice.

Jdn: "Hey.."
Jsh: "You need to eat. Come on drink your juice and then get ready. Im taking you out to eat."
Y/N: "No.. No thanks.. I just want to stay home.. I don't want to leave"
Jdn: "Come on.. You haven't eaten anything except a couple of Oreos everyday all week. You need real food."
Y/N: "No. I don't want to. Just let me be for a while. I just need to think"
Jsh: "Please..? I don't want you to starve."
Y/N: "Fine.. "
Jsh: "Jaden are you coming?"
Jdn: "No sorry.. I actually just finished eating. But just make sure she eats please."
Jsh: "Alright.."

Josh and Jaden walked out my room to let me change. I drank my juice and got sort of ready. I walked back downstairs and saw Josh waiting for me. I directly walked over to him avoiding making eye contact with everyone else. We finally got in the car and talked until we got to Sattle Ranch

Jsh: "Seriously..?"
Y/N: "What?"
Jsh: "Fletcher... To your right.."

I slightly glanced to my right seeing Fletcher with his camera filming us.

Y/N: "Well. Now I want to leave..."
Jsh: "No, just pretend he isn't there."
Y/N: "Alright fine."

Josh and I decided to eat without paying attention to anyone. Not going to lie, it was pretty fun going out. We finished eating and we left. We were walking out of Saddle Ranch, and just as we stepped out we were swarmed by fans. There was a paparazzi on every side of us and they kept asking questions. Fans wanted to take pictures. It was overwhelming.

~ Home ~

We finally got back home and I headed back up to my room still trying to avoid talking and looking at anyone. Soon Josh came back to my room and told me I should try and talk to Bryce.

Jsh: "You do know, that just staying here isn't going to help the situation?"
Y/N: "Yeah I know.. I'm just not sure."

His soft gaze met my eyes and without trying, all the flashbacks of Bryce and I together came flooding back in memory. The tears formed at the bottom of my eyes. And the blank stare spread across my face.

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