Assumptions, Assumptions

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But I guess I'm also the one walking away.. To help this relationship as well. Because when are you going to do it?"
B: "You know what you can leave I don't care anymore."

He said as he saw the last tear fall from my red eyes to my cheek. I had never felt more upset than ever. I ran back to my room before anyone could see me. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. As I was heading back to my room.. Noah was walking out of his with Blake, Kio, Quinton, and Vinnie. They saw me crying but before they could talk to check on me I entered my room and right before I shut my door they caught up to me and asked me what was wrong.

Nh: "Hey.. Y/N."
K: "Can we come in?"
Q: "Please?"
Y/N: "No.. Please go away."
V: "What's wrong?"
Y/N: "Nothing"
Bl: "Are you sure?"

Soon I heard Josh calling Blake from downstairs..

Bl: "Oh.. Sorry I have to go don't cry.. Please"
Y/N: "Please don't tell Josh.."

He nodded in agreement and left. Walking down the stairs he encountered Josh half way. I quickly shoved the rest of the boys in my room, trying to avoid letting Josh find out something was wrong.

Nh: "What's going on?"
Q: "Woah"

Then Kio and Vinnie both simultaneously said..

V: "What are you doing?"
K: "What are you doing?"

I tried my best to explain to them without crying.. But like always.. I cried. They all huddled up around me and hugged me tight.

Nh: "I'm talking to him-"
Y/N: "No! Noah.. Please don't talk to him."
K: "Noah.. Come on sit down"
Q: "Honestly.. You're like our little baby sister. We cared about you. And we want to keep you safe and happy.."
V: " Yeah, even though I just moved here.. And we barely know each other."
Nh: "Oh yeah, and don't be surprised when we get a little overprotective.."
K: "Yeah. Noah is right.. We will always be a little overprotective.. But don't worry we will try to stop if you ask us to. We trust you."

What they said made me giggle. A little overprotective? Yeah right! More like excessively overprotective. But I decided not to say anything and keep to myself. I hugged them all one last time and I took in the moment. How was I blessed with having so many caring friends who were always there for me when someone else wasn't? Soon they left after cheering me up.  I didn't want to sleep alone so I went to the only other person I felt comfortable, Jaden. I went to sleep with him and told him also about my day. His comforted me and we fell asleep.

~ Next Day ~

I woke up feeling decently alright I didn't really want to do anything. Josh was really sweet and insisted on going out to dinner together. He suggested that we just went to dinner and catch each other up on each other's lives. I wasn't so opposed to the idea so I agreed. The day went by and Jaden and Noah came to check up on me to see how I was doing. I appreciated them so much. Dinner time came and we drove to BOA. We encountered Fletcher once again.. This time I didn't mind that he was there.

F: "Hey! What's going on guys?"
Jsh: "Nothing.. Just coming out for dinner."
F: "Where are the rest of the boys?"
Jsh: "Im not really sure actually.. I know most of them are busy.."
F: "So they didn't come eat with you and Y/N?"
Jsh: "No. I kind of didn't want them to come anyway.."
F: "You didn't want them to come? What? Is it just kind of just a you and
Y/N thing tonight?"
Jsh: "Yeah.."
F: "So a date? Or-
Y/N: "No no no! We're just friends!"

I said giggling at the fact that it even across his mind.

F: "Are you sure?"
Y/N: "100 percent sure"
F: "Oh well alright. Hope you have good night then enjoy you're food."
Jsh: "Alright man"
Y/N: "Thank you"

We went inside and we ate. I finally grew the courage to tell Josh about what I did yesterday. He was confused about why I did it.. But he didn't judge me about it. We finished eating and we were heading out but we stopped near the exit.. When we met fans who wanted to take pictures. We stopped to take pictures and the doors in front of us opened. It opened long enough to allow Fletcher to film us from the outside. After we finished taking pictures Josh talked to me before we walked out.

Jsh: "You can definitely tell you are so short in that picture.."

I laughed and looked up at him.

Y/N: "Thanks Josh. I'm glad you and the boys have been here for me. Thanks for dinner it meant a lot. Especially with Bryce not being with me anymore."
Jsh: "No problem. You know we don't mind we all love you!"

He bent down and hugged me.. Tickling my stomach as he release his strength around my body. When we walked out.. That's when we realized that Fletcher had been filming the whole time. We both exchanged the same look. Knowing that he would definitely think we were dating..

F: "Hey Josh and Y/N, I have a question Y/N. Why have you and Bryce not posted together in a while? Is something going on? I mean even I haven't seen you hang out with him for a while.."
Y/N: "Umm I think things just need to get settled in.. I don't really want to talk about it with you right now. It's personal information you know-"
F: "But are you guys okay?"
Y/N: "Yeah! We're okay!"
F: "Okay! Just making sure! Uhh- Josh" you and Nessa man. You broke up."
Jsh: "Yeah.. It just was for the best."
F: "Really? Why?"
Jsh: "You know, sometimes it's just not right."
F: "It's great to see you and Y/N just having dinner. But what was that about at the door?"
Y/N: "What? Us hugging?"
F: "Yeah it doesn't look like you two are just friends."
Jsh: "Can I not hug her?"

Josh slightly laughed out of annoyance.

F: "Hey I'm just saying.. The possibilities. And it just looks like that. So are you guys dating?"
Jsh: "No, "
F: "Y/N? You want to say anything?"
Y/N: "No.. Umm we're just not talking about."
Jsh: "Anyway we are late to something.. We have to go.. Come on Y/N. Bye Fletcher!"
Y/N: "Bye Fletcher have a good night."
F: "Alright guys bye!"

We got in the car and put our stuff down. Josh got the keys and turned on the car and we drove off.

Jsh: "He is so annoying..."
Y/N: "He is definitely going to use that as clickbait on YouTube. Using us for views..."
Jsh: "Watch the title say, Josh and Y/N on dinner date. Did Y/N and Bryce break up? They got mad when asked about their relationship, or some shit like that."

We both laughed about the stupidity of that knowing the video he would upload to YouTube would most likely be titled along those lines. The entire car ride home all we talked about was him.

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