Bryce or Josh?

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I ignored him and I heard footsteps coming towards my door so I quickly wiped the tears away and went to my bed acting as if everything was normal. I hear a knock at the door so I walked over to see who it is.

Y/N: "Hi.."
B: "Why did you leave?"
Y/N: "Oh I just wanted to come to my room. I'm tired"
B: "Come back.."
Y/N: "No I'm fine.. I just want to stay here..."

My eyes began getting teary and I tried holding it back and wiping it away when he wasn't looking.

B: "Are you okay?"

I really wanted to tell him and ask if he was talking to Addison.. so I began thinking about it and denied the thought of it. All the negative outcomes came out and it just got worse..

Y/N: "Yeah Im fine I just want to be alone right now."
B: "Okay can I at least get a hug? Please?"

I gave him a hug and he tried giving me a kiss on the cheek but I flinched away not knowing what he was trying to do.

B: "Why did you flinch? I was only trying to give you a kiss."
Y/N: "Yeah I know I realized.. Afterwards.. Sorry I just got scared cause I didn't know what you were doing"
B: "It's alright. But can I kiss you now..?"
Y/N: "Yeah..."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away. As he went in his room I walked over to Josh's room. He opened the door and I began talking to him. I explained everything to him and I wasn't sure what to do anymore.

Jsh: "He really wasn't good for you.. But if you want you could talk to him and tell him you know.. Or... You could give other guys a chance."
Y/N: "What do you mean?"

I could feel Josh lean in closer to kiss me and before our lips touched Jaden walked in and both Josh and I pulled away from each other.

Jdn: "Woah! What did I walk into"
Y/N: "Oh- um I-I just came in here to talk to Josh about something... And it got out of hand.."
Jdn: "And by out of hand you mean the kissing part"
Jsh: "Bro we didn't kiss.."
Jdn: "Sorry my bad.. You about kissed her. Y/N?"
Y/N: "No! You can leave now..."
Jdn: "No I think I'll stay here."

Later that night I went to Bryce's room. I got butterflies in my stomach cause I felt nervous. But regardless I went in. When I walked in all I saw was Bryce huddled up in the middle of his blankets. Drifting off to sleep. I walked over to him to see him peacefully resting. I walked back out and went looking for Josh to ask him what to do. I walked downstairs and I saw Josh and Jaden talking to each other and then quickly turning their attention towards me.

Jsh: "Hey"
Jdn: "Hi what are you doing? Now?"
Y/N: "Hey.. Umm nothing it's just everyone is sleeping or playing video games and you two are the only ones here."

As I was talking, Josh walked up to his room as Jaden and I followed behind.

Jsh: "Oh... Well okay anyway. I have to film a youtube video tomorrow so.."
Jdn: "What time- oh sorry.. Umm.. I have to take this call. Hell yes! It's the fucking producers!! Sorry okay bye I'll be in my room."

Jaden left so it was just Josh and I alone... Again.

Jsh: "Are you sure Bryce isn't going to be lying to you.. I mean he can be toxic to say the least.. I mean I just want you to be okay"
Y/N: "Josh!"
Jsh: "What!"

He lightly laughed actually being confused.

Y/N: "You do realized Bryce is your friend... And you just called him toxic. He isn't even toxic..."
Jsh: "I'm just saying."

I could feel, and visibly see.. Josh getting tense as he slightly began talking.

Jsh: "I know you're talking to him like.. In that.. Way. But can't you just let other guys have chance."
Y/N: "Josh? I know I like him.. And you just broke up with Nessa. And I can't do something like that to my friend... Or Bryce."
Jsh: "Can I just kiss you.. At least once. I don't know since when but I like you too. It's not just Bryce."

Without hesitation from Josh, he bent down... over to me and placed his hand on my cheek. As his gently began kissing me. I, subconsciously, kissed him back. As I was kissing Josh I began overthinking if I really liked Bryce.. Just because of a kiss from Josh?

Josh's POV:

I couldn't hold back so I kissed her and within seconds she kissed me back. I wasn't sure what was happening.. But I like her and I had to let her know how I felt. What if she liked me back without even knowing. I am assuming she did, she kept kissing me until she pulled back.

Your POV:

I continued kissing him cause I actually liked it but then I realized that I couldn't I just couldn't kiss him knowing that I was talking to Bryce.

Y/N: "I'm sorry I can't kiss you. I just can't like you like that."
Jsh: "Like me like that? So you do like me? Y/N you don't have to-"
Y/N: "No Josh that's not what I meant- you know that."
Jsh: "Then prove it..."
Y/N: "I-I I'm sorry Josh... I don't know"

I felt confused and pressured to answer him. I knew I liked Bryce. But after everything with Bryce and Addison I wasn't sure. And with Josh recently breaking up with Nessa I didn't know if Josh and I were just trying to ignore our true feelings. Were we both coping by pretending we have feelings for each other instead?

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